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Video: Sarah, Palin and Tall

by Jeremy Hooper

Okay, we just can't help it. This...


...totally reminds us of this:

"Jesus loves winners."

Drop Dead Gorgeous [YouTube]
Sarah Palin Roundup [G-A-Y]

**Oh, for those not in the know: The clip is from the fantastic flick, Drop Dead Gorgeous.

**Oh, for those not in the know (2): The headline is a reference to the children's book, Sarah, Plain and Tall. It was one of those "girly" children's books that this writer used to read under the cover of night.

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Your thoughts

ROFL! That is too perfect! Beauty queens with religion and guns! Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Posted by: Dharma Kelleher | Aug 29, 2008 4:52:57 PM

There are former female students willing to expose sarah palin's lesbian experimentation in college and high school.
This information was supressed during her election as governor, but now these ladies will come forward. In fact, two of them work for palin......finally! The Republicans will be taken out on family values...clue contact former students who went to college with...Also, a married female friend was involved with her romantically, before she became governor

Posted by: Roger W. | Aug 30, 2008 2:34:39 PM

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