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Wherein we actually applaud the Mass. Family Institute's restraint
So you know how the rabidly anti-gay MassResistance group is fighting to have the Bay State's ban on out-of-state same-sex marriages restored? Yea, well in a development that shows just how out-of-step MR is with even the organized "pro-family" community, Massachusetts' other prominent socially conservative groups are actually speaking out AGAINST Brian Camenker and company's latest endeavor!
This from One News Now:
A Massachusetts pro-family advocate finds it "very distressing" that two pro-family groups in the state are choosing not to join in an effort to challenge the Legislature's repeal of a 1913 law that barred out-of-state homosexual couples from getting married in the Bay State.
MassResistance is seeking to collect enough signatures for a referendum petition that would allow Massachusetts residents to vote on the Legislature’s decision to repeal the "1913 law." However, two conservative groups -- Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) and Catholic Citizenship -- say they will not join in the referendum effort. MFI says it wants to focus instead on promoting "positive pro-family legislation," and argues the "repeal will have a greater impact outside the state than at home."
Dissension in the ranks that have promoted dissension by fostering rank bias. Could it get any more poetic?
MassResistance finding resistance over pro-family petition [MR]
Your thoughts
A good site is massresistancewatch.blogspot.com. It keeps you up to date what our rabid and wacky friends over there.
Posted by: Franc | Aug 29, 2008 5:34:15 PM
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