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Focus on the Queer Obsession
It's official: Focus on the Family's CitizenLink site has just out-gayed us. That's because every single "news" story on the site today is LGBT-centric:
Seriously -- We've had same-sex intercourse during Pride Month while La Cage Aux Folles plays on the pink bedazzled TV behind us, and gayness still wasn't this much on our mind!
CitizenLink [CitizenLink]
Your thoughts
You should put up some articles like this:
Focus on the Family Supports Premarital Sex for Teenagers - by rallying behind Palin
Focus on the Family Admits that Family Values Don't Work - by supporting Palin knowing full-well that she raised her children under the tyrannical rule of religion which has proven that it doesn't stop teenage girls from being sluts (er, uh, getting pregnant), just like her mother did
Focus on the Family Advocates for Abuse of Political Office - by supporting Palin's abusive attempt to get former brother-in-law fired from state government job
Focus on the Family Favors NOT Prosecuting Statutory-RAPE Cases - by not demanding that the fornicating evildoer who illegally had sex with Palin's underage daughter be prosecuted for RAPE
I could go on and on, but that might just be in poor taste.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 9, 2008 7:02:48 PM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
I am reminded of how in 1998 Dobson claimed that he, not Matthew Shepard, was the true "victim" in Shepard's murder:
You are here: Home > Dr. Dobson's Study > Dr. Dobson's Monthly Letters
"It's Not About Hate, It's About Hope"
Dr. Dobson's Newsletter: November, 1998
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by James C. Dobson, Ph.D
Dear Friends:
If you were listening to the Focus on the Family radio broadcast on October 14-16, you are aware of the incredible attack on this ministry launched by homosexual activists and their powerful friends in the media. Never since our inception 21 years ago have we been so viciously and unfairly criticized, the attacks focused not only on our integrity but also on the integrity of Family Research Council, the Christian Coalition, and Concerned Women for America. Soon, the mainstream press began echoing these baseless charges, and by the week's end, the story was being carried throughout the English-speaking world. I mentioned during my response on one of the broadcasts that I might share this situation with our friends in my next monthly letter. I am doing just that today.
Let me explain why it is important to understand what happened to us in mid-October. For the past several years, the radical homosexual movement has targeted those of us who believe in the principles of biblical morality, the value of traditional marriage and the institution of the family. This is why we were attacked last month: simply because what we believe is an impediment to their political goals. Focus has never advocated violence or disrespect of homosexuals in any context (see policy statement). This attack on us portends an era of oppression and intolerance of all things Christian. If that seems overstated, I invite you to read the transcript that follows. It carries meaning not only for the several Christian ministries vilified, including our own, but perhaps also for your own family.
For the most part, the following words were spoken on the air during the first of the three programs. In a few instances, minor editing was done to shorten the text or to clarify the imprecision of the spoken language.
I hope you will read these comments and then let me know your own views. (MT stands for Mike Trout; JCD for myself.)
* * * *
MT: We're going to deal with something very unfortunate that happened on Monday's edition of the NBC "Today" show. Many of you have been calling us about an interview that took place on that program. Doctor, explain exactly what's going on.
JCD: Well, it concerns the discussion of that horrible murder of a homosexual college student in Laramie, Wyoming named Matthew Shepard, who was tied to a post last week, allegedly by two young men, and then he was beaten unmercifully while begging for his life.1 It was a terrible thing. Shepard died from his massive wounds Monday morning,2 and the senseless brutality of that attack has shocked the nation. We extend our deepest sympathies to the Shepard family on this very tragic loss.
MT: That sad, sad event was the subject of the NBC news interview a couple of days ago between one of the hosts of the "Today" show, Katie Couric, and the Governor of Wyoming, Jim Geringer. That's what we've been hearing from our listeners about.
JCD: That's right. During that interview, Couric addressed a question to the Governor, which we now have on tape. That's what we want to talk about today. This is what she asked of Gov. Geringer:
Couric's Recorded Words: "And finally, Governor, some gay rights activists have said that some conservative political organizations, like the Christian Coalition, the Family Research Council [FRC], and 'Focus on Family' are contributing to this anti-homosexual atmosphere by having an ad campaign saying, 'If you are a homosexual, you can change your orientation.' That prompts people to say, 'If I meet someone who's homosexual, I'm going to take action and try to convince them and try to harm them.' Do you believe that such groups are contributing to this climate?"3
* * * *
Note: The next morning, the "Today" show returned to this subject and addressed it in greater length. Couric asked this question of one of her guests, Elizabeth Birch of the Human Rights Campaign: "Do you believe this campaign, this ad campaign launched by some conservative groups, really contributed somehow to Matthew Shepard's death?"
Birch's reply: "I do, Katie. These kinds of violent acts, and I've got to tell you it will be a long time before anybody in the gay community or anyone in this country forgets the image of this very gentle young man strapped to a fence, burned and beaten and battered. And he was much like, almost like a trophy animal, strung up there for 18 hours. And it's caused a great deal of sadness and grieving and mourning in the gay community. And these kinds of crimes never happen in a vacuum. They happen because people's minds have been twisted with cruel stereotypes about gay and lesbian people. And this ad campaign has been pumped out all summer presenting gay and lesbian people as defective, as [being] less than [others], as not fully human. And young Matthew Shepard made one mistake, and that's that he happened to fall into the path of someone that had been fed this rhetoric and [it] came at him full of rage and hate."4
Three days later, the print media adopted the campaign. Deborah Mathis, of the Tribune Media Services, wrote a column that was carried in newspapers throughout the nation. The headline in one of them read: "Anti-Homosexual Crowd Aided In Murder Of Young Gay Man."5 After stating that the air was thick with guilt, Mathis went on to liken conservative Christians to Nazi Germany and their gassing of millions of Jews. All of this, mind you, was aimed at four Christian family ministries having nothing whatsoever to do with the murder of Matthew Shepard.
Let me share with you our written policy statement on violence against homosexuals, which has been in effect for more than five years. It reads:
In light of the increasingly volatile nature of the public debate on homosexuality, Focus on the Family calls upon all Christians, and indeed, all citizens to recognize that moral opposition is not a license to engage in any form of slander, harassment or violence against those with whom we disagree. Morally and legally speaking, a crime against a homosexual is no less a crime against humanity, and deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law.
From the perspective of the biblical witness, which is of fundamental importance for Focus on the Family, homosexuality is just one form in which the brokenness of humanity reveals itself, along with greed, hatred, fear, dishonesty and intemperance, to name a few. What people with homosexual desires need above all else is the truth, compassion and acceptance. Focus on the Family stands in solidarity with all people against any form of evil, including prejudice, bigotry and violence.
Given this emphatic position, there is no credible way to associate this ministry with hatred toward homosexuals or any one else. Indeed, there is no evidence that the two young men who are charged with this crime have been influenced in any way by the organizations blamed. Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney are vicious thugs with prior convictions. McKinney is a high school dropout awaiting sentencing for burglarizing a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant.6 He reportedly has "a short temper and a willingness to brawl."7 After allegedly killing Shepard, he proceeded to pick a fight with two Hispanics and reportedly jumped from a car and assaulted one of the kids who were simply walking down the street.8 The boys, 19 and 21, are dangerous young men who, if they are found guilty of first degree murder, deserve the death penalty.
But what in the name of decency does this tragic episode have to do with us? Is anyone suggesting that the assailants have listened to Focus on the Family? Are you kidding? Have they mentioned our ministry or the names of our sister organizations? Is there evidence that the ad referenced repeatedly by Katie Couric was read by the killers? Of course not. In fact, the police say robbery was the motive. 9
So tell me, Deborah Mathis, how can you equate the ministries you libeled with the murderous regime of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi henchmen?
Despite the lack of answers, the charges against us continue to escalate. Jonathan Alter issued this attack in the October 26th issue of Newsweek. Alter wrote: "Conservatives are in a pickle. They like to say that ideas have consequences. Well, the consequences of condemnation can turn out to be death.... But just as the white racists created a climate for lynching blacks, just as hate radio created a climate for militias, so the constant degrading of homosexuals is exacting a toll in blood.... Discerning clergymen and moralists can hate the sin and love the sinner; but by the time the homophobic message reaches the angry guys sitting in the bar, that distinction has been lost."10
NBC and the other participants in this attack owe us a retraction and an apology. Instead, we are told that NBC executives are telling callers that Katie Couric has talked to me personally and that we've "worked out our differences." That is as false as NBC's other statements about us. Until they come clean with the public, we are asking our listeners and readers to continue to call or email NBC (212-664-4249, [email protected]), the Tribune Media Services, the distributors of Mathis's column (1-800-245-6536, [email protected], [email protected]), and Newsweek (1-800-631-1040, [email protected]). For a list of other numbers, see our web site at www.family.org.
JCD: Tell me Mike, what other constituency or organization, other than conservative Christians, could be implicated in a premeditated murder without the accusers having to account for their charges? Can you imagine a public figure like Couric blaming this bludgeoning of a college student on Jews, or African-Americans, or American Indians, or Chinese Americans, or the Chamber of Commerce, or veterans, or any other classification of human beings? Never! There would be an outcry in every newspaper in the country if that happened, and for good reason. Nowhere else in this culture could such unsubstantiated accusations be made with impunity, except against those who are dedicated followers of Jesus Christ. I have to tell you that I am deeply offended by what NBC News and other media outlets have said ... because there were a number of them that did the same thing the last couple of days.
MT: And all of us share that deep felt reaction. I know Gary Bauer and Don Hodel have expressed similar outrage. Explain Couric's mentioning of the ad placed by the other organizations. (Ironically, Focus didn't even participate in the the ad!)
JCD: She was referring there to a media campaign that took place last summer. It made the point that it is possible for some homosexuals to come out of the gay lifestyle and into healthy heterosexual relationships, including marriage in some cases. One of the people featured in the ad was John Paulk, who is a member of our staff. A picture of him and his wife Anne appeared on the cover of Newsweek on August 17, 1998.11 By the way, John was just torn to shreds by the media hounds for going public with his story, as though he didn't have a right to tell his own experience. But they didn't want it revealed.
MT: Yesterday, in fact, the Paulks received a death threat here at Focus. So, you talk about hate, we're seeing graphic evidence of it here.
JCD: Homosexual activists then set about discrediting anyone connected with that message of hope, because it's very threatening to the homosexual community. They want nothing said that would encourage a person to leave the homosexual lifestyle with the help of Jesus Christ. That led to their claim, aided by Couric, that some people reading that original ad were motivated by it to harm and kill homosexuals, including that unfortunate student in Wyoming.
The ad itself is very loving and kind, and there is nothing in it that even hints at coercion, ridicule, or anything that resembles violence. It was written with great care and compassion. But the "Today" show and the other media outlets that are making this case apparently want people to believe that we are responsible for this crime.
MT: What do you think as you listen to all of this and look at it, is behind this campaign?
JCD: Well, I think it's very clearly an effort to discredit and paralyze those who disagree with the homosexual political agenda, Mike. The issue here is not hate-mongering from Christian organizations because that hasn't happened. It certainly hasn't happened here at Focus. Not in 21 years, not once, have we ever made a statement that was derogatory or disrespectful toward any person, including those with whom we disagree. Our regular listeners know this is true. Of course, we speak out on the issues on which we differ with homosexuals and others, and we have every right to do that, just as they do in a free society. But we've never personalized those debates, nor have we ridiculed or belittled anyone, and we never will.
MT: That would be contrary to who we are at the very heart of this ministry.
JCD: It would contradict Scripture and our love for the Lord, and what we're here to do. Now, you'll notice that people such as Couric never quote us or document their charges against us. Never do they say, "On such-and-such a date, Dobson said this or that." Or, "Gary Bauer wrote something hateful in a letter dated June of 1997," or what have you. The reason they don't is because no such statements have ever been made. They don't exist. In the absence of that kind of evidence, however, they manufacture charges out of thin air. This kind of rhetoric appears nearly almost every day in various homosexual papers and even the mainstream press.
MT: You know, so much of this reminds me of what we have been hearing and dealing with in Canada. Our name is being used across that country in the same way in connection with this. Our staff up there is having to deal with these issues. The United States appears likely to go down the same path that Canada has taken.
JCD: That is a very good point, Mike. My major concern with the proposed hate crimes legislation is that it will take us in that direction. In Canada, certain portions of Scripture can no longer be read on radio or television. If broadcasters chose to elaborate on Romans 1, for example, or other Scriptures that address the subject of homosexuality, they would be charged with unethical practices because officials would interpret the comments as hateful. Focus couldn't even cite certain medical information related to AIDS on a recent broadcast because, again, it might have offended the homosexual community. That's where I believe gay and lesbian activists in this country want to take us.
MT: You know, I find it interesting that the gay and lesbian movement claims to decry hateful rhetoric, and yet the comments they make about conservative Christians is downright dishonest. You brought a dramatic example with you. I think you ought to share it with the listeners.
JCD: Mike, this example was entitled "Dr. Dobson's Skeleton in the Closet."12 It claimed that I'm accepting money from the casino industry in return for concealing my awareness that the gambling machines are rigged. That is preposterous. There is not even a scintilla of truth in it. The story was obviously designed to discredit or embarrass me, or to wound Focus in some way. Similar lies are being spread almost every day.
MT: And obviously, some people read that stuff and believe every word of it. Here's a rather typical letter that came from a man in Los Angeles, referring back to the Shepard murder:
"The beating in Wyoming demonstrates that the lunatic fringe has taken license from your code words and intends to wreak violence upon the gay community. The blood of this young man, who committed no crime, is on your hands. You should be ashamed ..."
"I want to put an end to the political influence of immoral reprobates like yourself. I will not sit idly by and watch this country go down the path of Afghanistan, Pakistan or Nazi Germany. Hate is hate and it is wrong. Covering it with the cloak of religion is even worse: you not only denigrate mankind, but also God. No matter how much you try to disguise your anti-gay message as one of 'help,' the real truth is self-evident: you and your kind are immoral hate-mongers."13
MT: One of our radio station managers passed along this letter to me yesterday. The writer said:
"I blame you as an accessory to the crime of murder and torture in the death of Matthew Shepard.... You carry that contemptuous program 'Focus on the Family' as well as others fomenting hatred...You all are a bunch of sanctimonious snobs who do not know the meaning of tolerance, love, and compassion. Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save. You come to condemn, fomenting hatred.... May God be more merciful on you than you were to Matthew Shepard."14
JCD: The level of hostility to Christians is growing, and it's becoming more pronounced every day. Whenever anyone wants to transfer the blame for any outrageous act, Christians more and more commonly are the ones that get tagged.
Let's go back to January 27, 1998, when Monica Lewinsky and the presidential affair hit the national news. We now know that Clinton was caught red-handed in the midst of that seamy, sexual scandal with a girl half his age. It looked for several days in January like he would soon be out of office. But then the First Lady shows up, on what program, Mike?
MT: The "Today" show.
JCD: The "Today" show! And she categorically stated that she knew her husband better than anyone, and that she knew he didn't do what Monica had told Linda Tripp. Of course, Clinton allegedly admitted to Monica that he had had hundreds of women through the years, and yet we're supposed to believe that Hillary never heard or suspected any of them. Be serious. Women are intuitive people. I've said many times that if I ever had an affair, my wife would know it by that afternoon because she could read it. She could pick it up. And anyone as bright as Hillary surely knew about Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and many others who have apparently meandered through their marriage. Nevertheless, she marched down to the "Today" show in January to blame the rumors, not on her husband whom we now know was not telling the truth, but on right-wing conspiracies. Let me read her words, Mike. She said:
"... I do believe that this is a battle. I mean, look at the very people who are involved in this. They have popped up in other settings. This is, ' (and then she corrected herself) the great story here for anyone willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband.'..."15
Now, Mike, when Hillary talked about a right-wing conspiracy, she was using code words for those of us who come from a conservative Christian perspective. We have become the whipping boy for liberals and activists.
MT: And you're not the only one that feels this way. There are so many other examples beyond the one you just gave.
JCD: The event that jumps out in my memory, Mike, goes back to April 19, 1995, when a bomb rocked Oklahoma City and killed 168 Americans,16 many of them children. Unbelievably, the media and some politicians immediately blamed that blast on people of faith, especially those who fight for the unborn child.
MT: I remember that.
JCD: Michael Lind, who was a reporter for The Washington Post, blamed that bomb, before anybody knew any of the facts, on those of us who oppose abortion. He wrote, "The story of Oklahoma City and the militias should not make us forget that the main form of political terrorism in the United States today is perpetrated by right-wing opponents of abortion."17 Of course, when the killers were apprehended and tried, Lind's statement was exposed as ridiculous.
Reporter Bruce Morton said, "What do you suppose the odds are that when we finally know who did it, they will say, 'Well, I was following God's will.'?"18
Eleanor Clift, the ultra leftist reporter for Newsweek, said this: "[The bombers] came from a loose cabal of gun extremists, religious extremists ... and many of them act under the umbrella of religion, so it's going to raise religious issues."19
There was never a scrap of evidence to link the bombing with the pro-life cause, or with a religious movement of any stripe, or even with political conservatives. Only Christians as a people could have been tried and convicted by the liberal press in the absence of even the most remote evidence or even the suggestion of complicity. That is the same climate we're living in today, where Focus on the Family is considered responsible for what two thugs allegedly did to a young man in Wyoming.
Someone said the other day that we are moving from a post-Christian era to a decidedly anti-Christian environment. A quick look around will confirm it. A new Broadway play called Corpus Christi depicts Jesus as a homosexual who has relations with his apostles and a brief affair with Judas.20 The Disney Corporation is reportedly working on a movie that will show a distant female relative of Jesus working in an abortion clinic.21 It would take the rest of the day to summarize what is happening along this line.
MT: Someone here at FOF made a list of hateful comments in the mainstream press that have shown up in just the past few weeks, and they include the words: I've got them here in front of me , "religious nuts,"22 "big mule on the right,"23 "Godzilla of the right,"24 "An Ayatollah."25 That might be me, I don't know. "Crazies,"26 that was quoted by Steven and Cokie Roberts. "A fanatic,"27 and lastly, "He's a bit like creeping weeds in a wet spring."28
And then listen to this. This showed up after your stroke back in June. This statement by Elizabeth Birch of the Human Rights Campaign at a fundraising dinner just blows me away: "I don't know how much I believe in acts of God, and I don't think we've seen the meteorites or hurricanes that were predicted, but it is true that within 24 hours of Senator Lott's anti-gay comment, the head of Focus on the Family suffered a stroke that hit his speech center and silenced him for 12 hours. I think if ever I was looking for a sign from God, that would be it."29
JCD: And these are the people who claim to be opposed to hate, Mike? Can you imagine any of us at Focus making a statement like, this gloating over someone being stricken with a stroke and being unable to speak? That's awful.
MT: Well, you mentioned persecution a few moments ago. We are told in Scripture to expect persecution. We know that Jesus promised there would be tribulation. If we stand up for what is right, the rest of the world won't always understand. How do you respond to that expectation in the context of today's attack?
JCD: Well, if that's the explanation for what's happening to us, Mike, then we will obviously accept it. We'll put ourselves in the hands of the Lord, as we always have.
But it still grieves me, not because of any personal discomfort, because I can deal with that, but because this great experiment in democracy is in jeopardy. It has protected the vulnerable and the powerless, providing a haven for oppressed people who had fled from despots. I pray that the inspiration of the founding fathers who created this wonderful system of self-government will not fade from memory, and that we aren't descending into a long night of tyranny. That is my concern, and it's an emotional reaction. Even though Jesus said we should expect tribulation, I still have concerns for my country.
To put our discussion in context, Mike, there's just so much more at stake with regard to these issues than mere criticism of this ministry. What hangs in the balance is nothing less than the Gospel and the opportunities for it to flourish in our country. It is that message that they want to silence.
MT: Well, we should continue to support one another in every way we can, whether that's by speaking out aggressively, or praying, or writing a letter, or defending the rights given to us in the Constitution.
JCD: Mike, we also need to be in prayer for our nation at this time. God is in control, and we must not become discouraged. That would be a great mistake. The outcome is in His hands and He still hears and answers prayer.
Mike, I'm also asking our listeners to be in prayer for this ministry because the pressures on us at this time are pretty difficult to handle, quite frankly. It would also help if people would write us. This is an interactive broadcast where we need to hear from our listeners. I would like to know what you think, positively or negatively. Call us, write us, send email and faxes. Let us hear your perspective.
This has been an important discussion today, and I may even take the words that we have expressed and include them in my next monthly letter. We'll have to wait and see, Mike...
* * * *
And that is what I have done. There have been several subsequent episodes during this unpleasant period, but I won't subject you to the details. All I can ask in conclusion is that our listeners remember what I said there in the closing moments of the program, that it is not James Dobson and Focus on the Family who are in the cross hairs of our critics. It is nothing less than the Judeo-Christian ethic and its moral underpinnings of the culture. We must work to prevent the redefinition of marriage, homosexual adoption, gay and lesbian propaganda in the schools, and the acceptance of homosexual and heterosexual immorality. If people of faith don't use their influence in this struggle, there is little that Focus on the Family, the Christian Coalition, the Family Research Council, and Concerned Women for America can do to withstand it.
That's it for November. I'm sorry to have to share such disturbing news here at Thanksgiving. One thing is certain: We are grateful for your encouragement and partnership these past few weeks. Please remember that this is the time of year when we really need your financial support, too. Without your generosity at the end of the year, we can't make it during the seven months when we typically run a deficit. Let me express my heartfelt thanks in advance.
God's blessings to you and yours during the holiday season.
James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
P.S. I will conclude with a remarkable quote from the last Sunday sermon given by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., four days before his tragic assassination. Dr. King said:
On some positions, cowardice asks the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, not polite, not popular, but one must take it because it's right.30
This letter may be reproduced without change and in its entirety for non-commercial and non-political purposes without prior permission from Focus on the Family.
1 Jim Hughes, "Beating Victim Begged for Life: Three Suspects Appear in Court in Brutal Attack," Denver Post, October 10, 1998, p. A1.
2 "Gay Student Dies in Beating," Associated Press, October 12, 1998.
3 Interview of Wyoming Governor Jim Geringer by Katie Couric, "The Today Show," October 12, 1998.
4 Interview with Janet Folger of the Center for Reclaiming America and Elizabeth Birch of the Human Rights Campaign Fund by Katie Couric, October 13, 1998.
5 Deborah Mathis, "Anti-Homosexual Crowd Aided in Murder of Young Gay Man," Tribune Media Services, October 15, 1998.
6 James Brooke, "Men Held in Beating Lived on Fringes," The New York Times, October 16, 1998, p. A16.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Jonathan Alter, "Trickle-Down Hate," Newsweek, October 26, 1998.
11 John Leland and Mark Miller, "Can Gays 'Convert'?" Newsweek, August 17, 1998, pp. 47-50.
12 Email from Fred Bradford to GayForum, July 22, 1998.
13 Letter from Michael J. Petrella to Dr. James Dobson, October 12, 1998.
14 Email from Jeff Curtis to BBN Radio, October 12, 1998.
15 Interview of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Matt Lauer, "The Today Show," January 27, 1998.
16 Hugh Dellios, "Man Sought in Bombing Apprehended," Chicago Tribune, May 13, 1995, p. 1.
17 Michael Lind, "Understanding Oklahoma: Scofflaw Conservatism: Beyond the Hyperbole, Ideas Have Consequences," The Washington Post, April 30, 1995, p. C1.
18 "One Rescue Worker Dies as Result of Injury at Bombsite," CNN, April 23, 1995
19 "The McLaughlin Group," April 21, 1995
20 Jess Cagle, "Men in Tights," Entertainment Weekly, October 23, 1998, p. 65. Also, see R. Albert Mohler, "Playwright's 'Gay Jesus' is Moral Insult, Not Art," Arizona Republic, October 3, 1998, p. D5.
21 "Irreverent 'Dogma' Puts Disney in the Doghouse," Arizona Republic, July 9, 1998, p. 41.
22 Donald Kaul, "Home Schooling More Appealing," The Des Moines Register, April 26, 1998, p. 6.
23 Judy Mann, "Clinton Surrounded in Dirt, But Where's GOP?", The Washington Post, April 22, 1998, p. C23.
24 Frank Rich, "Godzilla of the Right," The New York Times, May 20, 1998, p. A23.
25 "GOP Trap: Squeezed by Zealots," The Charleston (W.Va.,) Gazette, May 6, 1998, p. 4A.
26 Cokie and Steven V. Roberts, "Ideological Purity: Republicans Could Be Headed for Trouble With Moderates, Economic Conservatives," The Dallas Morning News, May 24, 1998, P. 5J.
27 "Religious Fanatics Creating Real Struggle," Sun-Sentinel (Ft. Lauderdale, FL), September 10, 1998, p. 16A.
28 Chris Bailey, "Dobson Solutions as Scary as the Problems," The Courier-News (Elgin, IL), May 24, 1998.
29 Dennis McMillan, "HRC Rallies in San Francisco For Fight Against Right," San Francisco Bay Times, July 23, 1998.
30 Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., given at the National Cathedral, Washington D.C., March 31, 1968.
Posted by: David in Boston | Sep 12, 2008 8:00:19 PM
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