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Hey 'pro-fams: We're WAAAAAY 'After The Ball', please move on

by Jeremy Hooper

Responding to the news that the under-35 set is more and more realizing how falsely compassionate and duplicitious the "pro-family" message truly is that gays are entitled to marriage equality, Focus on the Family staffers Trobee and Tyree say the following:

Oh good mother of literary influence, can these folks please let "After the Ball" go?!! Geez, to hear the "pro-family" community tell it, we gays have all shaped our views about this highly complex subject around one certain man-written book, and then worked to foist our interpretations of that book onto society at large. And seriously: [begin drippingly sarcastic tone] Who can possibly imagine any one community exalting such a book to non-debatable, conversation-ending prominence? [/end drippingly sarcastic tone with a wink and nudge]

It's unclear if Ms. Trobee and Ms. Tyree have considered for even a second that younger folks are siding with gay people because they've used their own minds to determine that their LGBT peers aren't broken beings in need of "fixing," or that the constant stream of frighteningly eye-opening gay bashing from organizations like their own have only helped to inform under-35s about what sort of mindset they wish to hold towards fellow humans who happen to be gay. But even if they have had these thoughts at night, before bed, when all is quiet in their head, their collective talking points will surely never allow them to admit as much.

Poll Shows Pro-Gay Message Hitting the Mark [CitzenLink]

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Your thoughts

Good heavens! "After the Ball"???? We bought it when it first came out in 1989 (for $19.99 at Doubleday, the price sticker's still on it), read it on vacation and never thought about it again. It didn't seem all that heavy-weight at the time. So, after all these years the bible thumpers have picked up on it? Looks like I'm gonna hafta do a fall re-read to see all the insidious horror that was plotted and planned...

Posted by: Bill Herrmann | Sep 17, 2008 10:34:38 AM

Bill: I made the deliberate choice to NOT read the book so that these folks could never accuse me of following it.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Sep 17, 2008 10:47:47 AM

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