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'Pro-family' speak knows no language barrier
Fellow NYC activist Andres Duque was on hand at a weekend demonstration called the "Faith Leaders Rally for Marriage and Life," wherein Hispanic religious leaders from the New York area attempted one thing and one thing only: to drum up anti-gay support. Go check out Andres' commentary and photo spread from Sunday's "flop" event:
Anti-gay NYC rally by Hispanic religious leaders is a flop [Blabbeando]
We too would've shown up for the downtown event. However, this writer and his "behavior partner" were busy spending the day with a heterosexual couple, learning from them what it's like to never have your love and the civil recognition thereof trivialized as a passing, sex-based fad. We'll try to show up next time, unless we're instead called upon to attend either a heterosexual wedding or a homosexual behavioring.
Your thoughts
Gee, that doesn't look like Spanish to me! ... Our newest noun made verb.... have fun
and go 'behavior.' all.
Posted by: LOrion | Sep 9, 2008 4:29:20 PM
One thing that Andrés Duque says in his piece, is that he doesn't blame the followers of these hate-filled radicals, but I have to disagree. Everyone has the opportunity and (I believe) the responsibility to learn the truth. Especially when they engage in activities which seek to promulgate their doctrine.
No one likes to hear opinions contrary to their beliefs. I actually find them to cause real (physical) pain in the form of headaches. I think that the destruction of synaptic pathways hurts(!) big time. But it is absolutely essential to learning. And, the person who refuses to learn is equally (and entirely) as morally culpable as the leader who helped to initially form those prejudiced (hate filled) notions in the first place.
But, that said, this particular picture of the smiling loon (in the Leopard print with the pearls) who claims that "behavior is not a civil right!" is just wrong. Our founding forefathers took the highly enlightened path of codifying (in the Declaration of Independence) that the "inalienable rights" of man include "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Arguably, all three of those are behaviors, but certainly the last one (the pursuit of happiness) is. And, IS the principle upon which this country was founded.
If my pursuit of happiness involves marrying my same-sex (consenting adult) partner (who is legally capable of entering into a binding contract), then that absolutely IS my civil right.
Legal note: the parenthetical modifiers in that last statement the explicit clarification that everyone (ALWAYS) considers to be implicit in a marriage contract, but that the lunatics in the Radical Religious Right don't ever seem to acknowledge.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 9, 2008 5:05:35 PM
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