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Shocking video: Like-minded people agree with each other!

by Jeremy Hooper

This video is produced by the Family Research Council:

We reply:

"Yea, Tony? "African-American leaders" say this stuff? You mean African-American leaders like:

Bishop Harry Jackson: A staunchly gay-unfriendly "pro-family" personality with whom you yourself have co-authored a book

Bishop Wellington Boone: A particularly incendiary "pro-family" figure who, at your organization's 2006 Values Voters Summit, actually used the words "faggots" and "sissies" in his speech about gays.

Rev. Dwight McKissic: A figure who, at the same Values Voters Summit where Wellington made his remarks, is quoted as saying that that the gay rights movement was inspired “from the pit of hell itself,” and has a “satanic anointment.” Also, he reportedly said, in reference to Sodom and Gomorrah: “God’s got another match…He didn’t run out of matches.”

Dr. Herb Lusk: A friend of Rick Santorum's who told the NY Times that same-sex marriage is "a nonnegotiable.'' The same Herb Lusk who, back in 2006, hosted that anti-gay event known as "Justice Sunday," yet another production of the -- wait for it, wait for it -- FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL!

Those are the leaders, Tony, that you are using to embolden your claims?
Yea? Ya know because when we convey views that are supposedly representative of an entire race of people, we like to look a little further than our own backyard!"

Be sure to keep an eye out for future FRC-produced videos:

"All women think Tony Perkins' views are commendable. Here, just ask his wife"

"3 out of 4 doctors (on our payroll) think gays can change. The fourth one is just new, and hasn't yet fully memorized his talking points."

and our personal favorite:

"The entire country might not embrace our views; but who cares as long as the portion that we care about thinks we're swell?"

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Your thoughts

The African leaders of South Africa voted not long ago to allow same sex marriage because they are educated enough to know that gay people don't choose our sexuality any more than they choose their skin colour.

Posted by: Forky | Sep 26, 2008 6:44:28 PM

So according to them a class of people's "convictions" are do not make them worthy of government protection.

I would expect they will start lobbying against RELIGIOUS discrimination protections as well, since by their logic, if a person could simply "wake up one day and decide" not to be Catholic, why should Catholics be protected by the government.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Sep 26, 2008 7:46:44 PM

Jackson is a horses ass. Yes asswipe, it IS a civil rights fight. Of course you did CHOOSE to be Christian, didn't you? I chose to be an atheist so you chose to be a Christian fundamentalist who believes your will should take precedence.

I have no tolerance for the religious among us who would put aside my rights as a citizen. Then I have no tolerance for most religions anyhow since I consider most to be inherently evil.

Posted by: Tony P | Sep 28, 2008 8:55:50 PM

You know, it's just amazing that any African American would align themselves with Perkins...especially after what I just read about how, in 1996, Perkins worked for David Duke (of the KKK) and paid Duke $82000 for his KKK mailing list!


Posted by: Chris | Oct 28, 2008 3:40:35 PM

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