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'Shootin' at the walls of gay heartache, bang, bang -- they are the warriors'

by Jeremy Hooper

Thee following is the cover from this month's edition of Focus on the Family's Citizen magazine. Have a looksie:

Picture 3-145

The line at the bottom: "They led a dedicated army of volunteers that gave Californians a chance to vote -- one more time -- to protect marriage."

"Warriors"? "Led an army"? How noble of them. In fact, it's a wonder FOF left the magazine's name as "citizen" and didn't bump it up for the issue to something like "deity" or "martyr"!

Oh, and apparently the situation is so dire that one of the "warriors" can't even remove his bluetooth headset for the cover photo? What does he think, that an emergency "militant gay hijacking" might occur during the shoot? Is he scared that if he pulls himself away from the phone for even a millisecond, a heterosexual marriage will be left vulnerable?

But in all seriousness, the real thing we want to know: Why can't these folks just pull out from these unjustified wars and finally bring their troops home? It's over. They had a long run, but loss is simply inevitable for the side of inequality. It's time to drop the "warrior" hat and start working towards a peace-making treaty. Non-militarized acceptance of the LGBT community's placement within the spectrum of normalcy is a good place to begin.

September 2008 [FOF Citizen]

**Reference from our headline:

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Your thoughts

A large percentage of the volunteers are Mormons who have been "commanded by the Prophet," (Mormons believe the president of their church to be a living prophet,) to devote as much of their time and money as they can to Proposition 8.

Those who have a problem with the church's involvement have been advised to "clear up these issues" with local ecclesiastical leaders.

If they don't "Follow the Prophet" by supporting Prop. 8 they will likely be considered unworthy to enter hold leadership callings in the church or go into a Mormon temple.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Sep 3, 2008 6:32:09 PM

I have been reading this website for a few months and the people who represent the other side are really nuts when it come to this notion that being gay is so nasty that they cant even bring themselves to teach teenage grown children that gay is here to stay and that we are just as normal as apple pie. so I hope that with this election coming that we will once and for all put an end to gutter politics and introduce real sustantive polotics back to reality.

Posted by: Melvin L. Moody Jr | Sep 4, 2008 1:24:16 AM

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