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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Sears sells cheap inventions

by Jeremy Hooper

200809120939-1-1On Saturday, after outlining his organization's war against the "invisible wall" between church and state, the Alliance Defense Fund's Alan Sears gave the Values Voters audience some insight into what sort of "dark vision" he perceives the ACLU as having. Listen in:

(If embedded audio doesn't load for you, you can listen to it here)

Preventing houses of worship from enjoying both tax-exempt status and free political rein? Allowing the Walkers to hold prayer groups in public schools (a case that, in a supremely bizarre coincidence, is being contested at the very elementary school that this writer attended as a lad)? Foisting certain personal moral views about when life begins on the whole of society? Keeping the pesky gays out of the civil marriage system?

If that's a "dark vision," then let's never again turn on the lights!

Complete Values Voters coverage (this year and years past) [G-A-Y]

**SEE ALSO: PFAW's Right Wing Watch is also covering the "pro-family" shindig. Check out their coverage here.

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Your thoughts

These people love their Straw Men so much that they can not see reality. The RIGHT for an individual to pray at school is established and has been fought for repeatedly BY THE ACLU! [http://www.aclufightsforchristians.com/]

Also, I'm sort of confused about what he's referring to when he's concerned about regarding "threats to their status as a church". What in preaching "the uncensored gospel and appl[ing] biblical truths to the issues of the hour" (besides calling Barack Obama the antichrist and other statements endorsing or opposing a political candidate) are grounds for the loss of a church's not-for-profit legal standing?

Churches in America still have the freedom to say that "races" are unequal or deny their denomination's marriage to mixed race couples. All despite the fact that legally that was all struck down over 40 years ago in most parts of the US. No legal authority thinks it will be any different for gays and gay marriage.

Posted by: Kearne | Sep 15, 2008 8:35:09 AM

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