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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Have you 'found yourself in homosexuality' today?
This Values Voters Summit moment comes from Focus on the Family's Jim Daly:
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go choose the invitations for my "judgement of God" ceremony.
Complete Values Voters coverage (this year and years past) [G-A-Y]
**SEE ALSO: PFAW's Right Wing Watch is also covering the "pro-family" shindig. Check out their coverage here.
Your thoughts
Sweet dead mother of Batman! Jimmy's voice was getting so squeaky there, I was waiting to hear his head pop. Incidentally, I "found myself in homosexuality" just the other day. I was looking to get off the Mass Pike at Vagina Boulevard, but I ended up taking a left down Cocksucker Drive. That's what happens when you navigate by intuition, I guess! Clearly, I should have used Dr. Dobson's Mapquest directions.
Posted by: Brendan D. | Sep 12, 2008 1:32:21 PM
Gee I so glad these people can speak for God.
Posted by: Jon | Sep 13, 2008 2:35:21 AM
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