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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Lou Dobbs

by Jeremy Hooper

200809120939-1-1Well kids, it's Values Voters Summit time once again. Can't you just feel the excitement?!

While we won't be bringing you video this year, we will be providing you with audio highlights throughout the day. And the first one up is a real doozy.

Here is populist journalist Lou Dobbs talking about his like-mindedness with Tony Perkins and Harry Jackson (both staunch opponents of gay rights), as well as the mindsets of his "liberal media" colleagues:

(Please forgive the ambient AIM noise)

(If embedded audio doesn't load for you, you can listen to it here)

And here's Lou talking about the way the media, by asking questions about a little-known potential leader of the free world, is "attacking" Sarah Palin. Oh, and also the "highly medicated string" from which Lou feels Keith Olbermann is hanging:

(If embedded audio doesn't load for you, you can listen to it here)

Complete Values Voters coverage (this year and years past) [G-A-Y]

**SEE ALSO: PFAW's Right Wing Watch is also covering the "pro-family" shindig. Check out their coverage here.

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Your thoughts

There has always been something about Lou Dobbs that has bothered me and I could not put my finger on it. Now I can. He has long masked his insecurities and his need for approval behind his self-righteous anger at many things. Today, listening to him speak at VVS, I was fascinated at how he fawned over and sucked up to Tony Perkins - seeking and, obvious by the applause, getting the approval of the attendees at this conference. I probably will quit watching his segments on CNN, now that my little mystery has been solved. At least I have long since known where the folks at NewSpeak Fox have always stood!

Posted by: brucci | Sep 12, 2008 10:53:11 AM

WOW! Sounds like Dobbs is threatening to get physically violent with Olbermann. And these "values" voters seem pretty excited about it! Nothing invigorates that crowd like a good old asskickin'. That is why they revel in killing millions of Muslims, and threats from Palin about war with Russia. They should correctly label themselves as "we'll put a boot up your ass" voters, because that really typifies their "values".

Posted by: Dick Mills | Sep 12, 2008 4:01:41 PM

Man, Olbermann ripped into Dobbs the other night. It was very satisfying.

Posted by: Ravvie | Sep 13, 2008 9:54:50 PM

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