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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Phyllis in on your biased views
Oh, Phyllis Schlafly. Last year the doyenne of social conservatism laid out the the sort of gay-unfriendliness that the "pro-family" movement expects to see in the GOP candidate. This year, she chooses to instead focus her energy on the parties' platforms, both the one that is making strides towards more fully folding LGBT people into society, and the one that is still trying to turn "smear the queer" into a national sport:
(If embedded audio doesn't load for you, you can listen to it here)
"Full inclusion of all families"? "Equal responsibilities, benefits and protections"? "For ALL families"?
What next, Phyllis -- you gonna warn your peeps that the Democrats are comfortable with gays sharing oxygen with heteorsexuals!?! The horror!!
Complete Values Voters coverage (this year and years past) [G-A-Y]
**SEE ALSO: PFAW's Right Wing Watch is also covering the "pro-family" shindig. Check out their coverage here.
Your thoughts
Then make divorce illegal you hypocritical bigot.
Posted by: Patrick B | Sep 13, 2008 3:53:44 AM
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