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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Forgive us if we're not as nostalgic

by Jeremy Hooper

200809120939-1-1If there's one that that truly annoys us is when social conservative act like marriage equality is a wacky, nutty concept simply because its peaceful brass ring has only been within the gay community's grasp for the past couple of decades. Comments like the ones made by Th Rev. Jonathan Falwell at today's Values Voters Summit:

(If embedded audio doesn't load for you, you can listen to it here)

Hmm. Well Jonathan, you know who also would have thought the possibility of same-sex unions were impossible just thirty of forty years ago? GAY PEOPLE. But not because they thought the idea of having their lives and loves recognized like their heterosexual peers was wacky, mind you. No, no -- many of our peeps thought the notion was impossible because they simply could not envision a world where gay bias would subside enough for gay and lesbian existences to earn legal respect! And why? Well largely because their past treatment had been so dehumanizing and, frankly, frightening, they simply had not been free to develop a mind that could even begin to think of wedding registries or honeymoons. Hell, just not being institutionalized was a valid fear for some!!

So sorry, J-Dog, but we just can't go with you on this sentimental journey back to the "good ol' days." For us, marriage equality is not the error, but rather the White-Out that will help correct some of the past mistakes that have been waged against the LGBT population.

Complete Values Voters coverage (this year and years past) [G-A-Y]

**SEE ALSO: PFAW's Right Wing Watch is also covering the "pro-family" shindig. Check out their coverage here.

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Your thoughts

Actually forty years ago people were arguing over what the definition of marriage was as it was only the year before (1967) that marriage was legally expanded, by the US Supreme Court no less, to include two people of difference races for all citizens of the united states.

Posted by: Kearne | Sep 13, 2008 1:47:51 PM

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