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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Unequal coMITTments

by Jeremy Hooper

200809120939-1-1At last year's Values Voters Summit, we watched Mitt's Romney's speech with an assumption that he'd serve on a fall '08 presidential ticket in some capacity. At this year's VV Summit, we of course know that Mitt's White House (or VP Mansion) dreams will not become a reality this year; but that doesn't mean his views on our families and the recognition thereof can't still annoy the ever-loving piss out of us:

(If embedded audio doesn't load for you, you can listen to it here)

Hmm. Don't we sacrifice for our spouses (or would-be spouses)? Don't we sacrifice for our children? Yes Mitt, we do! And do you know what makes that sacrifice that much harder? HAVING TO PAUSE OUR LIVES TO FIGHT THIS NEEDLESS BATTLE OVER WHETHER OR NOT WE HAVE TO REMAIN LEGAL STRANGERS WITH THOSE WHO WE LOVE AND WITH WHOM WE SHARE OUR LIVES!

And seriously, Mitt: Aren't you even getting tired in that simple-minded fallacy that marriage is nothing beyond "one man, one woman." The state where you governed has helped to move that line beyond a place of mere offense, and into one of complete and utter untruth.

Complete Values Voters coverage (this year and years past) [G-A-Y]

**SEE ALSO: PFAW's Right Wing Watch is also covering the "pro-family" shindig. Check out their coverage here.

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