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Video: Truly pro-family!

by Jeremy Hooper

The first official "No on Prop 8" ad has been released. Have a looksie:

The Thorons - Don't Eliminate Marriage For Anyone [YouTube]

*Where to give to help keep the ad on the air: Keep Our Ad on TV [No on Prop 8]

**Oh, and don't forget the official "Yes on 8" ad that we have challenged with our own effort:

Proposition 8 supporters:

Our response:

(note: please ignore the extra 0 in 4,300,000)

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

Thanks JH...didn't contribute on DK Bankhead, or GKors appeals...but will for you!

Posted by: LOrion | Sep 22, 2008 3:52:37 PM

Wow. The difference between the two.

1. Tone: the warm nice folks-next door kind of couple vs. movie trailer baddie voice.

2. Content: a plea on behalf of a loved one vs. angry moral disapproval and bandwagon approach.

And last, and least

3. Production quality: something that looks professional and well done vs. something that looks like what a middle schooler might turn out with Windows Movie Maker. (I mean, they could at least use iMovie...)

Posted by: PSUdain | Sep 23, 2008 6:05:43 PM

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