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'Where The Wild' author tells the way 'Things Are'
We knew there must have been a reason why we so fully related to this book as a kid:
Where the Wild Things Are Author Maurice Sendak: 'I'm Gay' [Towle]
Though we must admit that we're a little concerned about Mr. Sendak's revelation. After all, if there is one thing of which the far-right social conservatives are constantly in search, it's new opportunities to make it sound like gay men want to put their "Wild Things" in bed with children!
Your thoughts
Comments are especially poignant. Even the one criticizing Andy's puncutation..e.g. a little diversionary distraction. Yes depression, clinical, probably. It is almost guaranteed to occur after the loss of someone so close to him, and the guilt he feels for not having been able to be open and celebrate their love. The coming out should help actually. Presumabley he has a competent physician. I usually give people about 6 -12 months to go through all the grief responses that are necessary, if they haven't picked up the pieces by then and charged back into life then treatment is almost mandatory.
Posted by: LOrion | Sep 11, 2008 10:30:26 AM
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