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Brush up on your carols (who love carols)

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 5-155It's October, so you know what that means: It's time to gorge on so many fun-sized Nestle Crunch bars that by Halloween, the primary feat for which your superhero alter ego will be known is his or her surprising ability to even fit into the costume. [:: writer removes wrapper, wolfishly shoves entire bar into mouth::]

But along with that gluttonous consumption of chocolate comes another, arguably more important autumnal ritual: The Celebration of GLBT History Month. 31 days, 31 honorees from all walks of life. Go check 'em all out over at the Equality Forum's history month site:

October Is GLBT History Month [Equality Forum]

Crisp air. Butternut squash. And a whole slew of queer folks getting their due. Summer you may be hot as hell, but our heart will always belong to fall!

**SEE ALSO: Here's a video run down of the 31 folks being honored this year:

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