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Chuckin' with equality

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 3-160LA Times writer Sandy Banks was at one of the 170 churches that aired Sunday evening's "Protect Marriage" simulcast. Here is but one of her observations:

"The loudest applause came when action hero Chuck Norris appeared by video: 'I'm angry that four judges overturned the will of the people.' He lauded Proposition 8 for 'maintaining the union between man and woman' and promoted his book, 'Black Belt Patriotism,' featuring a photo of him clad in marital arts gear."

So let's see here: Martial arts = YAY! But the art of marital equality? PURE EVIL! How is that for logic?

But let's not think about the "I'm a fighter, not a lover" mentality for now. For now, let's remember the one positive contribution that Mr. Norris has given to the gay community:

Picture 4-181

We know certainly some gay boys for whom this torso has helped to "maintain the union between hand and genitalia"! Thanks, Chuck!

Go read all of Ms. Banks' eye-opening commentary:

Religious rhetoric and gay marriage [LA Times]

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Your thoughts

Mr. Total Gym himself! Everybody is someone's whore. It is exceptionally pathetic that the one of the reasons that he took the gig was to turn it into an infomercial.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 21, 2008 10:27:28 PM

So when does the boycott of all gym products endorsed by Chuck Norris begin?

Posted by: Alex | Oct 21, 2008 11:35:33 PM

Offered without comment:

Posted by: Bill S | Oct 22, 2008 1:25:43 PM

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