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Colin Powell to help army become gay Col.'s pal?
Colin Powell has endorsed Barack Obama. Both men have spoken out against the military's discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. So what does this melding of the minds mean for the future of this terrible policy? PFLAG's Steve Ralls (who used to toil at the anti-DADT Servicemembers Legal Defense Network) takes a look at that very issue:
What Will Powell's Endorsement Mean for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and Military Families? [HuffPo]
We certainly hope this is more indication that we're moving to a more inclusive day. After all, we're pretty damn sick of seeing the hostile views of those who crassly make jokes about gays and their "colon pals" exalted above those that seek a more peaceful day. It's time we graduate from junior high.
Your thoughts
I wanted to contact Col. Powell and came across this web site. I was surprised to see that Col Powell is for gay rights, this is what I am understanding from the article. Is this why Col. Powell endorsed Barack Obama? I had such respect for Col Powell until now. How can a man who served the United States so faithfully and boldly stand behind a man who will not acknowledge our flag. Our flag stands for freedom, our national anthem points to the men & women who fought and died so that freedom could be preserved; they continue to fight for freedom. I hope that you can pass this along to Col Powell and I would like to hear his response.
Thank you,
Shirley Reeder
Posted by: Shirley Reeder | Nov 8, 2008 9:45:34 AM
i always thought that to be a true conservitive was to let people decide their own lives, more freedoms. gays and lessbians need to decide for themselves if they want to be in the military and serve proudly and open. if general powell works toward this , he is working to make a part of our nation more free.
Posted by: brian a. hayes | May 11, 2009 8:45:42 PM
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