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Feminine wiles: 8 out lesbloggers work to out 8

by Jeremy Hooper

Grace The Spot
Hahn At Home
The Lesbian Lifestyle
Dorothy Surrenders
Pam's House Blend
Sugarbutch Chronicles
This Girl Called Automatic Win

W33558 S237046622 587970The above eight blogs all have a few things in common. For one, they are all lesbian-themed sites. For another, none of them have fewer than three syllables in their brand names. Oh, and by virtue of their common roles as media-aware Sapphic sisters putting out a creative product in the first decade of the 21st century, they all are required by lesbi-law to have a love/hate relationship with "The L Word." So yea, similarities abound.

But while common threads are not hard to come by (hard. come. teehee), these eight bloggy power dykes are now teaming up for a cause even more near and dear to their gal-loving hearts. Namely, they are joining forces to defeat Proposition 8, that nasty, cruel, un-American initiative that's currently tarnishing California with its brazen desire to use tyrannical majority rule to rob a minority suspect class of their constitutional right to equality. And since, conveniently, there are eight of them, the Sapphic sites have snatched (uhm..no, not gonna touch that one) up the name "8 Against 8," using that shared identity to pool donations in opposition of the gross marriage ban.

Check out their handiwork/ MAKE A DONATION at the link:


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Your thoughts

Thanks for spreading the good word!

Posted by: Renee | Oct 20, 2008 11:14:31 AM

Cute!...so I crossposted your comment on PHB...with trailer: SO VERY G-A-Y!!! So very much thanks to all across the whole country for helping us out here!! We need it, have you seen those ADS...AWFULLLLL!!!

Posted by: LOrion | Oct 20, 2008 11:17:34 AM

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