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Hell in a hand ballot

by Jeremy Hooper

PortergayVoting booths wherein a vote is cast for Barry O. could also double as elevators destined for a hot, Southern descent. So says longtime, extremely virulent gay foe Janet Porter (neé Folger):

Vote for Obama, Go To Hell [Right Wing Watch]

Though fortunately for firelake-fearing Dems, the only way Janet could possibly be right is if hell has frozen over. So grab your ice skates and VOTE OBAMA!

**Don't forget Ms. Porter's crazy, crazy anti-Obama video:

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Your thoughts

These people should be ashamed of themselves. They've stooped from arguing the issues to saying "God says to vote against Obama or he'll damn you to hell."

Quick question: would God support McCain. He committed adultery on his first wife. I believe that's one of the ten commandments and one of the seven deadly sins (lust)!

Posted by: PMW | Oct 28, 2008 1:50:38 PM

Isn't she the same one who divorced and remarried? If you listen to my mom (and the Catholics, and the Westboro Baptists, and just about any fundie Judeo or Islamic offshoot) then she's going straight to hell too!

So, which of them are telling the truth? Best guess is that none of them are. They've known for many millennium that they can garner social standing, political power and, in many cases, great wealth (or at least a decent living) by claiming to be Oracles from god.

Are they all lying liars? Or just the ones who seek to influence the decisions of others by claiming to know god's will? Especially when they do it professionally. Remember that the only time that Jesus got angry was when he chased the moneychangers out of the temple. If they have read that book, and truly believe it, then they should take that one lessen to heart.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 28, 2008 3:19:13 PM

Wow! I can't believe that they PREDICTED that they would lose Prop. 8 in California.

Posted by: Jeff Chang | Oct 28, 2008 9:33:10 PM

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