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Hey, LCR: Might you want to address this?

by Jeremy Hooper

Log Cabin Republicans' Patrick Sammon, 8/29:

Picture 15-55"Alaska Governor Sarah Palin can help Sen. McCain win this election by appealing to independent and young voters. She's a mainstream Republican who will unite the Party and serve John McCain well as Vice President. Gov. Palin is an inclusive Republican who will help Sen. McCain appeal to gay and lesbian voters."

Focus on the Family's Jenny Tyree, 10/20:

Jennytyree-1"Sarah Palin's support of a federal marriage amendment is yet more evidence of her social conservatism. She cares about marriage and life, and she's more than willing to speak her mind."

You know, politics is notorious for making strange bedfellows. But when those bedfellows fervently condemn our gay butts because of the fellow in our bed? Well, that's just a little too strange for our liking!

Call us bleeding hearts if you must, but giving cover to antiquated, cruel bias is just not our cup of tea.

Good News: Palin Supports Federal Marriage Amendment [FOF CitizenLink]
Log Cabin Republicans' Statement [G-A-Y]

**EARLIER: Focus on the Palin: Dobson & Co. love Sarah [G-A-Y]

***UPDATE: Rod McCullom got a comment from LCR: Palin Breaks with McCain on Marriage Amendment, Log Cabin is "Glad McCain Agrees with Us" [Rod 2.0]

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