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'No on 8' pits Thurston against those who Thirst On equality

by Jeremy Hooper

You know how California's pro-Proposition 8 side likes to lie? Unscrupulously so? Like in a really, real, really, un-Christian-like way? So much truth-stretching that even Pinocchio is like, "Yo, dudes -- easy on the fibbery!"?

200810201409Well Morris A. Thurston, a prominent Mormon scholar and Brigham Young University Law School adjunct professor, has penned a memo that nips some of the anti-gay side's most disingenuous arguments in the proverbial bud. Now the "NO ON 8!" side is using Thurston's memo to belie some of the other side's most deceptive pro-inequality claims:

Mormon Scholar's Memo Debunks Prop 8 Ads [No on Prop 8]
**READ THE FULL MEMO without having to download a pdf:

Thurston Memo - Upload a Document to Scribd

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Your thoughts

Right on, Thursty! He's cute too.

Posted by: Sykler | Oct 20, 2008 3:00:03 PM

Fantastic! Every LDS Ward should read this whole analysis from their pulpits. Then, they can try to be honorable and decent in their continued opposition to gay marriage but they better use Mr. Thurston's guide before they put another foot in their mouths.

Posted by: cowboy | Oct 21, 2008 12:13:27 AM

I still agree with the original 6 points and think that Mr. Thurston has included a lot of fallacies in his rebuttal of the 6 points. He has some good points but also a lot of half-information. For a rebuttal of his rebuttal go to http://sayyestoprop8.blogspot.com/2008/10/rebuttal-to-thurstons.html - this site includes a more extensive look at the points Thurston made as well as corrections to his points resulting from mis-information he pulled from his sources. I suggest that everyone read it as well as looking into the research presented themselves. The link I posted has links to all the research Thurston uses, and allows you to see the truth of his points for yourself. Thanks for the discussion!

Posted by: Ryan G | Oct 22, 2008 8:38:31 PM

I note that the Church has chosen not to post the "Six Consequences" on its website. I note also that 59 prominent California constitutional and family law professors have signed a statement that supports my key points. You can read this law professors' statement at http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/politics/voterguide/20081030-prop8letter.html. You can read my reply to the "Rebutal" to my commentary at http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dgbmjj9g_3cppnnzjm.

Posted by: Morris Thurston | Oct 31, 2008 8:24:58 PM

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