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Prop 8: Bing puts cherry on pro-gay sundae
And now in deep-pocketed straight people who like us, really like us news: Hollywood somebody Steven Bing, an out and proud heterosexual, is donating a whopping $500,000 to combat that nasty, cruel, un-American initiative known as Proposition 8:
Steve Bing Gives Hollywood's Heftiest No on Prop. 8 Donation [Advocate]
We sincerely thank Steve for the fat wad, but at the same time unapologetically shun the discriminators who've forced him to have to give such a hefty sum to this matter. There are an assload of other causes that could desperately benefit from the windfall, and an assload of investments that could provide benefit to the world. But this investment, while critically necessary, will only help us keep a right that we've already been granted. That's it. 500K that could have gone towards ACTUAL "family values" rather than thwarting one groups attempt to hijack the same! The anti-gay side is like a schoolyard bully making the smaller kid hand over there lunch money!
There may be a major financial crisis playing out in this nation. However, the cash that's having to be wasted for this far right-initiated waste of a fight has created a crisis of character for our nation, with outsiders wondering how we could be so unfocused and petty. FOR SHAME, SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES.
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Posted by: LOrion | Oct 15, 2008 7:46:29 PM
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