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Say 'gay people stink like cheese!' [::snap, snap::]

by Jeremy Hooper

200810241256Anyone who attempted to write a book about the wacky antics of Massachusetts anti-gay group Mass Resistance (an SPLC-certified hate group) would quickly find themselves with enough "you can't make this stuff up!"-like material for a multi-volume set. This latest incident, however, just might be the wackiest we've ever heard. Here's an excerpt from The Eagle Tribune:

ANDOVER — A Wakefield man claimed he was standing outside a local school snapping photos of students for a documentary, but after a foot chase through backyards while stripping his clothing, police aren't buying his story.

"We don't know what his intention and purpose was around the school and the kids," said police Lt. James Hashem.

But Michael Olivio's employer has come forward to back up his story. Olivio, 48, works for the anti-gay rights group MassResistance.org. Brian Camenker, head of the group, said Olivio mistakenly went to West Middle School Tuesday to snap pictures instead of the high school.

Camenker said Olivio was to get pictures of the high school because the state Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered Youth held a meeting there Monday night.

"I figured I would do a write-up for the Web site and I wanted a picture of the high school," Camenker said.
FULL STORY: Man snapping pictures outside school caught after foot chase [Eagle Tribune]

Dude outside a school with a camera vs. children's books that acknowledge the existence of gay people. You determine which you think poses more of a threat to your child. Through our lens, it doesn't take long for the clear picture to develop.

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Your thoughts

What removing clothing???? Because it had 'evidence' on it of his perversion that he didn't want the police to find??? Why else?

Posted by: LOrion | Oct 24, 2008 1:31:37 PM

He's a creep, and idiot, or both.
In any case it certainly doesn't speak well of group that allows him as a member.

Posted by: Bill S | Oct 24, 2008 2:06:32 PM

And, why did he run?! First off, the police probably arrived because they were summoned due to the fact that some creepy lurker was standing in front of the school and taking pictures. So, he must have been standing there for some time, because even in my neighborhood, it takes upwards of 10 minutes for the police to arrive. But, then, if his intentions were innocent, why didn't he just speak with the police and explain himself.

Instead of explaining himself, he chose to RUN, and not just run, but RUN while DISROBING! I think it is going to be difficult to convince a judge that his actions were not nefarious. And, even if his story is true, then at the very least, I would think that a restraining order for him to stay away from all schools would be appropriate.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 24, 2008 3:01:51 PM

I really didn't think when reading your intro that this could possibly be their wackiest. I mean, what could beat Amy Contrada going around protesting productions of The Laramie Project while her daughter was performing in the play in her own highschool?

But you're right. This is loonier.

Posted by: Timothy | Oct 24, 2008 3:02:23 PM

Junior High or High school, what in the hell was this pervert doing taking pictures of students?

This group has tried to tie gay men with pedophiles for the longest time, and I believe this is a "wolf in sheep's clothing" case. And funny how Camenker quickly jumped to try and clean up Olivio's story.

Not to mention, these are the same people who posted photos from inside a teen girl's bedroom, to "prove she's straight", a year or so ago.

These guys obviously have something to hide, or else Olivio wouldn't have ran. I'm actually surprised Camenker didn't jump on the opportunity to say Olivio was actually a homosexual, spying on children.

Based on these guy's actions the past few years, I'm hoping the story will spread locally and parents become concerned about Mass Resistance and its members.

Posted by: Scott | Oct 24, 2008 3:19:38 PM

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