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School to anti-gays: No 'dining on our reputation!

by Jeremy Hooper


Picture 3-152EXCERPT: Concerned that Pepperdine University is being dragged into the fight over gay marriage, university President Andrew Benton said all references to his institution must be removed from a new "Yes on 8" television commercial being aired around the state.

The commercial features law professor Richard Peterson, who warns of the consequences of not passing Proposition 8, which would amend the state Constitution to ban same-sex marriage.
"The reference to Pepperdine must disappear," Benton said.

FULL: Pepperdine wants out of Prop. 8 ad [LA Times]

**EARLIER: Watch the anti-gay ad [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

I hope the school sues the Yes on 8 to pay for redacted advertisements.

Maybe cite him as Southern California Law Professor instead of identifying the school he comes from.

And maybe put a 1.5 second disclaimer at the end of the advertisement on the youtube/internet edition that Peperdine has not taken a position on the initiative, and the professor is speaking on his own volition.

Posted by: Matt from California | Oct 3, 2008 3:32:29 AM

Prior to Pepperdine's complaint, I saw this ad several times a night. But I haven't seen it at all since. And, I have been looking just to see if they actually did remove the reference to the university. Maybe they are reworking the ad, but I suspect that they will probably do something even more fraudulent - those folks are just not very trustworthy.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 3, 2008 1:27:26 PM

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