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Thespian union backs lesbian unions
In a move that doesn't surprise us yet still delights us, two different committees of the Screen Actors Guild have taken a stand against Proposition 8. This from Variety:
The guild’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender committee and its Hollywood Legislative panel announced the action on Wednesday, noting that the moves are part of the Guild’s ongoing anti-discrimination efforts.
SAG said its Hollywood members are volunteering for the "No on Prop 8" campaign and will assist with phone banking, events and community outreach.
SAG committees oppose Prop 8 [Variety]
They of course stood for equality rather than bias because it is the right thing to do. But also because the opposition has been so fully creating a world of make-believe and illusion, the actors were terrified that if left unchecked, the "yes on 8"ers would steal their jobs by Christmas!
Seriously -- when it comes to pretending like discrimination is "moral," the California anti-gays are like Olivier and Hepburn rolled into one!