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Video: Equality -- 'make it work!'
Carry on.
Tim Gunn calls Prop. 8 "unattractive" [YouTube]
Your thoughts
I've always considered Tim Gunn to be rather hot, but he's not butch enough to carry off that fist wave at the end.
Carry on.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Oct 23, 2008 12:03:01 PM
I thought that that was a sir of signature move of his. I'm pretty sure that I've seen it several times on Project Runway.
May I pose the question, though, who exactly is the target audience of this bit? I mean I love it, but isn't he mostly an icon to those of us in the choir??
Posted by: PSUdain | Oct 26, 2008 2:38:22 AM
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