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Video: Supremely encouraging

by Jeremy Hooper

Obama on the Supreme Court:

"And so my criteria, for example, would be-- if a Justice tells me that they only believe the strict letter of the Constitution-- that means that they possibly don't mean-- believe in-- a right to privacy that may not be perfectly enumerated in the Constitution but, you know, that I think is there.
I mean, the-- the right to marry who you please isn't in the Constitution. But I think all of us assume that if a state-- decided to pass a law saying, "Brian, you can't marry the woman you love," that you'd think that was unconstitutional. Well, where does that come from? I think it comes from a right to privacy-- that may not be listed in the Constitution but is implied by the structure of the Constitution.

Nightly News Obama interview [NBC]
(H/t: Lane Hudson)

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Your thoughts

Oh, the things I would do for him, if only I were more his type.


Posted by: Matt Algren | Oct 31, 2008 12:52:55 PM

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