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Video: The lie detector's all like, 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!'

by Jeremy Hooper

Another anti-Proposition 8 ad, another denunciation of the opposition's shameless and shameful lies:

Fight fallacy. Fight anti-intellectualism. Fight bias. GIVE WHAT YOU CAN:

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Your thoughts

It's nice to see some sanity....Thanks

Posted by: JOHN NORMILE | Oct 23, 2008 9:15:53 AM

I WISH I could donate as a foreigner...

Posted by: Nel | Oct 23, 2008 10:05:32 AM

As this contest gets more contentious, and the "pro-family" lies become more vile, it's gratifying (and somewhat humbling) to see support coming from some who don't necessarily have a stake in the outcome. From those where their only apparent interest is in fairness and decency. There certainly is something chivalrous in standing up to the lying bullies, and even more so when their personal gain is marginal at best.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Oct 23, 2008 2:59:47 PM

The Real Wirthlins - Religious Fundamentalists with brutal tactics

Robb and Robin Wirthlin aren't who they present themselves to be. __The Wirthlins moved into the Lexington school district already aware of the "Window and Mirrors" curriculum that was put in place so that second graders, who talk about and paint pictures of their families constantly, would see all students and their own families represented in materials.

The Wirthlin's son Joey, already knew a classmate, Jessica Soens, who had two mommies. This was not sex ed, this was anti-bias material representing all families, single parent families, interracial families, jewish and muslim families. That was all it was, according to Pam Hoffman of LexingtonCares.org. The Wirthlins moved into the district in order to challenge the curriculum and drug an unsuspecting second grade teacher, Mrs. Kramer, through the courts, devastating her life. __Read more at: _http://www.ebar.com/news/article.php?sec=news&article=3414

Posted by: dan | Oct 24, 2008 10:36:19 PM

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