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Video: There's no class in this video

by Jeremy Hooper

We've already shown you a long-form, histrionic couch interview in which Massachusetts parents Robb and Robin Wirthlin detail the "horrors" of teaching kids to accept gay people. Here now is the short-form version of the ad, which today begins mucking up California's airwaves:

Our biggest concern with the video? That a public school teacher would even have a political video like this in her classroom library. Heck, we'd feel that way even if it was an anti-Prop. 8 video. It's a classroom, not a political playing field. And the fact that this teacher, a government employee, would be sitting at her desk commiserating with another family's attempt to inject personal faith views into the public spectrum (and that the "yes on 8" producers didn't stop and think that maybe, just maybe, such is a bad video premise) is what should TRULY cause viewers to take pause!

TV Ad: Everything To Do With Schools [YouTube]

**SEE ALSO: Here's an earlier Wirthlin video (wherein, peculiarly, the Wirthlins are wearing the almost exact same clothing). Be sure to note that in this video, Robin Wirthlin specifically comes out and says that her family is against homosexuality and that they want to teach their children that such is not "correct behavior": My children -- MY CHILDREN! -- were encouraged to [:: fights back tears ::] accept others [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

not sure if this means anything, but the Wirthlin family name is very common in the Mormon church

Posted by: jon92027 | Oct 20, 2008 8:52:27 PM

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