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Video: Vote peace.

by Jeremy Hooper

**Our past Prop 8 vids:

And this is a pro-Prop 8 ad, followed by our response (ignore the extra "0" in one of the scenes):

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

you rock my friend, very creative. love the beast one hehe.

Posted by: queerunity | Oct 23, 2008 8:13:50 PM

I sincerely hope PROP 8 fails miserably.

BUT - if it DOES passes, is everyone prepared to spend another ba-zillion dollars on PR and possibly wait 20-30 years to "win" equality in CA?

AND - if it does NOT pass, which state will we focus on next so we can spend another ba-zillion dollars to purchase civil rights?

I know I am virtually alone here (except for Charles Merrill and his partner), but I think all of you are insane. Truly crazy....one step away from writing-on-the-wall-with-your-feces crazy.

Because if ALL of us truly believed we WERE equal, we would not be so patient as tax-payers and U.S. citizens. We'd simply KNOW we ARE equal, and refuse to pay into a system that not only denies our familes civil marriage but doesn't even acknowledge our existence (wait for the 2010 census).

I'm 43, and I will NOT wait until I'm 73 for fair and equal treatment. It's OK for the country at large to be ignorant, bigoted, mid-guided, and mid-informed. But that's not my fault. So until people GROW UP and show my family the same "civil" respect heterosexually-identified families are given, I owe this country and the IRS nothing.

How many times do I need to say this?


Posted by: John Bisceglia | Oct 29, 2008 10:09:54 PM

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