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Yes, I'll have some Chicken Mcfibbers with a side of Lies
Remember how we told you that the AFA is claiming a "victorious" conclusion to their anti-gay McDonald's boycott? Yea, well there is a growing body of evidence that the AFA is being just as fallacious with this "win" as they were with their Ford boycott "victory." This from Jeff Bercovici:
...[A] McDonald's spokeswoman disputed details of AFA's account. McDonald's, she said, was never a corporate "member" of NGLCC; its relationship with the organization consisted of Ellis's board seat and a sponsorship he arranged. "McDonald's sponsored a table at an event at an NGLCC gala fundraiser," said the spokeswoman. "That's what they're labeling a sponsorship. That was the extent of our involvement."
Ellis stepped down from the NGLCC board, she added, because he recently transferred to a post with McDonald's Canadian operation. "McDonald's has no plan to fill his seat [on the board] because it's not our seat to fill," she said.
As for AFA's claim that McDonald's has pledged to "remain neutral in the culture war regarding homosexual marriage," NGLCC notes for the record that gay marriage isn't even part of its lobbying agenda.
But hey, who's surprised? After all, this is the same crew who labels cruel, unjust bias a "win" on a daily basis. Accurately assessing a victory wouldn't seem to be a strong point.
Be sure to keep an eye out for the AFA's next press release:
"ANOTHER AFA VICTORY! We landed our thimble on Boardwalk after our fellow player had already bought it and buillt a hotel on it!! Praise the lord."
McDonald's Denies U-Turn on Gay Rights Support [CN Portfolio -- Mixed Media]
Your thoughts
I'll bet Don Wildmon wasn't fun to associate and play with as a kid either - he'd be the one getting beamed upside the head with the dodgeball, or the one being tagged all the time - and he'd still stand there declaring himself the winner and "game over".
Posted by: Scott | Oct 13, 2008 1:50:15 PM
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