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Everyone: Own your donation!
The writer who's speaking to you now donated against Proposition 8. This writer's partner donated against Prop 8. This writer's in-laws also donated against Prop 8. However, none of our donations ever appeared on the rolls, and we all find that a little annoying. Why? Because we want history to record where we stood in this fight.
Brad Pitt gave a sizable donation against Prop 8. Stephen Spielberg did the same. Other media personalities and celebrities lent their time, energy, and funds to help preserve gays' freedom to marry. None of these folks had any problem with their donations becoming public, and many of them even went to lengths to speak to the media about why they felt the donation was right. Presumably, they too want history to record where they stood in this fight.
But over the past few days, an interesting phenomenon has crept up. All of a sudden, now that overlooked "yes on 8" donations are popping up and leading to scrutiny, we gays are being accused of being "intolerant" because we acknowledge and react to the public record. Our comments section is peppered with "outraged" folks who supported the ban, and we've heard the same thing from other folks who run web forums. We've even seen the choice to bring the donations to light referred to with terms like "witch hunting" and "McCarthyism."
Our question: WHY THE DISCONNECT? Why is a "No on 8" donation suitable for discussion on "Entertainment Tonight," yet a "yes on 8" donation is meant to be kept under wraps? Why do the "no on 8" folks proudly tout their funding (or at least not protest when they are highlighted), yet the "yes on 8" side seem to want their political contributions left in the dark? And what does this reluctance say about the merits of the contributions?
Just some thought food -- chew on it however you like.
Your thoughts
Mine all showed up...don't know why yours didn't. Of course, we know you did...as you donated hope and love too.
Posted by: LOrion | Nov 12, 2008 2:15:36 PM
...and RE Yes $$ complaints...sow H8, you reap H8...SO VERY SIMPLE.
Posted by: LOrion | Nov 12, 2008 2:17:52 PM
I was searching last night for my donations (after reading a set of articles) and also could not find mine listed. I made three separate donations and found nothing. Strange. Who's shopping with my money? ;-)
Posted by: Toddx | Nov 12, 2008 2:28:00 PM
LOrion, Todd: I know more than a few people whose names didn't show up.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 12, 2008 2:31:27 PM
Some of my early ones show up, many of the later ones did not. Some were made to EQCA and some directly to No on 8. I do not know where the disconnect is.
Posted by: Todd | Nov 12, 2008 2:35:05 PM
John 3:19-21
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
Posted by: Emproph | Nov 12, 2008 2:52:22 PM
If you dont' want people to know, don't give. But if you do give to anything, have the guts to stand behind your decision when it is made public.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Nov 12, 2008 2:53:52 PM
Mine all showed up as well but I also have read that with certain tracker sites it won't be until January that a full account of contributions will be registered. In the meantime, we got you covered and know you did your part both here and with your wallet.
Posted by: anita | Nov 12, 2008 3:06:59 PM
Why do these people feel that they need to hide their donations to the Yes on Prop 8? Do they think that donating to the Yes on H8 is something that should be hidden from the public? Do they feel that they have done something wrong or bad for their fellow Americans? If they feel strongly enough to donate their hard earned cash to the cause, then they should be glad to let the world know of their sacrifice. They should embrace their actions publicly. They should shout it from the mountaintops. They should be happy to tell the world of their hatred and bigotry, and welcome any consequences and repercussions of their actions with pride and the acceptance of their fate. After all, they certainly didn't do anything to be ashamed of...did they? (end of snark here)
Posted by: Fiona | Nov 12, 2008 3:48:43 PM
It's the same old hypocrisy of conservatives trying to play the victims of the "gay mafia" (one of my most hated terms, along with "the gay agenda")
Posted by: Kristof | Nov 12, 2008 4:11:18 PM
Once again they show their cowerdice. If any of these hyprocits are reading this: if you cowards are so proud of "protecting marriage", then stand up and say it. We all had to stop being afraid of how the world sees us. You should start doing the same.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Nov 12, 2008 4:43:37 PM
Well, it's probably a lot like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and their hoods of anonymity. People can behave quite horrifically when their face is hidden from view, but when you put a face to the action, the consequences begin to manifest.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Nov 12, 2008 5:07:27 PM
I don't think the Yes on 8 people expected this reaction. It's never happened before, or anywhere else, when a marriage amendment passed.
Posted by: Tim Hulsey | Nov 13, 2008 12:15:50 PM
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