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From Richard Nixon to Cynthia Nixon: Four decades of stagnant 'marriage protection'

by Jeremy Hooper

Think the fight for marriage equality is largely a 21st century battle? Well think again, self-absorbed denizens of the modern era. As some newspaper articles we have dug up will show you, this needless conversation about what should be a benign matter has been going on since even before Harvey Milk the man was in the public sector, much less Harvey Milk the movie.. And judging by the eerily recognizable situations, it seems like Uncle Sam must have left a scratched up record on his turntable sometime around 1970, with it skipping on the same heterosexist nonsense ever since:

Gays had the "radical" notion that they were equal, even in 1970:

Picture 7-148

Public people were trying to ban gays, even in 1970:

Picture 6-172

Same-sex marriage was still earning the ire of religious folks, even in 1970:

*Note how similar some of the talking points are to the ones used today

Courts were using the flawed "marriage is about children" argument, even in the 70's:


But one thing is interesting. Even in the early 1970's, the far-from-pro-gay Ann Landers was able to disconnect religious ceremony from civil marriage law, something that modern evangelicals seem incapable of doing:

Picture 8-119

Evolution. Revolution. Needed.

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