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Prop 8: Arnold hints at 'Total Recall'
In an interview that aired this morning on CNN, Gov. Schwarzengger expressed his belief/hope/prediction that the cruel, discriminatory, historical misstep known as Prop 8 will be overturned by the Supreme Court:
"It's unfortunate, obviously, but it's not the end," Schwarzenegger said in an interview on CNN this morning. "I think that we will again maybe undo that, if the court is willing to do that, and then move forward from there and again lead in that area."
Schwarzenegger tells backers of gay marriage: Don't give up [LA Times]
Some nice thoughts from the governor. Because remember: This is a man who had to wear this belly...
...and who was once tasked with making this gun and getup looks convincing:
If there's one subject in which he's well versed, it certainly is bad Props!
So yea, thanks A-dog. Here's hoping this Prop's staying power is less like that of the Terminator sunglasses and more like the long-forgotten Turbo Man action figure from Jingle All The Way.
Your thoughts
Of course, the Governator could have just signed the marriage legislation the two times it was sent to him and this crisis may have been averted. Arnold needs to come out of the liberal closet.
Posted by: WadeMD | Nov 10, 2008 8:06:27 AM
WadeMD: I, too, was really pissed when Arnold vetoed the measures. But then I found art. 2, sec. 10(c) of the CA constitution:
"(c) The Legislature may amend or repeal referendum statutes. It may amend or repeal an initiative statute by another statute that becomes effective only when approved by the electors unless the initiative statute permits amendment or repeal without their approval."
The statute defining marriage as hets only was a voter initiative--Prop22, if I recall correctly. Arnold's hands were tied, and he actually did the legally correct thing. In fact, his signing either measure into law would have lead to a heated legal battle that we would have lost.
Posted by: Steve | Nov 10, 2008 1:28:39 PM
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