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Video: Backwards backyard punditry

by Jeremy Hooper

Here it is: Westboro Baptist's pre-election "get out the vote" effort. Get ready for a sharp display of political acumen so shrewd, it will surely leave the Maddows and Begalas of the world quivering in their boots:

Of course should McCain-Palin pull it out, we hear God's moving to France. So the choice of yours America: A God who destroys the world because he so thoroughly hates Obama, or one who eats pastry for breakfast. It's shocking how much of a toss-up we imagine that decision would be for so many of our fellow citizens!

**SEE ALSO: Here's an interesting new article about one of the family members who left the church, Nate Phelps. Lots of insight about his childhood: Running from hell [The Ubyssey]

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Your thoughts

Crazy, party of one - your table is ready.

Posted by: Kristi | Nov 3, 2008 2:05:26 PM

I can't bring myself to click on it. Her facial expression was enough.

Posted by: Bill S | Nov 3, 2008 3:21:27 PM

they've lost the culture war and now they just rage and rage and rage

Posted by: | Nov 3, 2008 3:39:16 PM

When Reagan closed all of the insane asylums, and booted the mentally deficient out onto the streets, it was just a matter of time before they began to inbreed. I guess that the rest of the country is fortunate, in that most of the former patients appear to have ended up at the WBC. The internet has turned them into this adorable little petting zoo for everyone to enjoy. And the perfect example of what happens when the gene pool is too limited.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Nov 3, 2008 4:31:38 PM

sadly, it's not a table of one - it's a whole stadium of crazy. They make "The Call" look like a gay ice cream social.

Posted by: | Nov 3, 2008 7:11:30 PM

Okay folks, let's get our stories straight. If Obama was really the anti-Christ, he wouldn't have a soul to sell. I suggest that all of you get together and rewrite what you are going to say.

Just how old is Fred Phelps? Will we be picketing his funeral soon?

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Nov 3, 2008 11:34:07 PM

Obama Nation...Abomination...

Coincidence?! I think not!

Wonder if WBC needs a writer...

Posted by: | Nov 5, 2008 7:08:07 PM

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