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Video: Today's Dr. Phil topic -- right vs. wrong

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 11-104As you may have heard, today's "Dr Phil" show was all about gay marriage in general and Prop 8 in particular. The eponymous Phil literally split his audience in half, with the anti-gay side fittingly situated on the right, and the pro-equality side on the left. And there were an equal number of speakers vouching for both sides. On the pro-equallity, cool kids side: Mayor Newsom, HRC prez Joe Solmonese, and attorney Gloria Allred (who, incidentally, is wearing all red). On the anti-gay side: Rev. Jim Garlow, Jeff Flint from "yes on 8," and Maggie Gallagher (who, incidentally, smashed marriage rights like her namesake comedian used to smash watermelons).

Here are a pair of clips from the show:

Dr Phil

**UPDATE: That revelatory Prop 8 letter finally gets mainstream media play [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

Solmonese can get pretty fired when he calls a lying liar a liar! I've never been more proud of him! I have to say, though, that things might have gone differently if we had seen more of that fire from our side prior to the election. We stood by as the "Mr. Nice Gay," politely answering their lies as they hurled them like mud. Sometimes, I think, you need to call the lying liars what they are, LIARS.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Nov 21, 2008 5:49:01 PM

i think we should pound people with church hate messages like Phelps and all these so called Christian Protests at Gay weddings.. I just am having a hard time grasping why the truth is so hard for these people to see?..Gavin Newsome is incredible and Joe Solmonese showed so much grace under pressure

Posted by: JOHN NORMILE | Nov 22, 2008 11:48:52 AM

It's great to see so many LGBT's fired up. Wait until MILK comes out in national theatres. More fur will fly. Gloria Allred was great.

Posted by: Charles Merrill | Nov 22, 2008 8:57:31 PM

These losers on the "against same-sex marriage" side need to check their facts. I was never taught about marriage, especially that of same-sex, in school.

Posted by: heytonezssset | Mar 22, 2009 2:07:14 PM

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