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Video: Tony's such a 'riot'

by Jeremy Hooper

"You don't change public policy to accommodate a few."

"There's no oppression here."

These and other bits of brilliance from Tony Perkins, a man who apparently has an ability to see riots where there are none:

Tony Perkins claims gay people are 'rioting' over Prop 8 [Youtube]

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Your thoughts

Does this guy even know what a real riot looks like? I mean, considering idiotic hordes would be willing to riot after a sports game, I'm shocked the LGBT masses didn't storm the churches and set them ablaze. These protests have been anything BUT a riot.

Posted by: aaa | Nov 10, 2008 10:11:07 AM

I was hoping this would show up here or on pamshouseblend :-)

I thought this was so great when I first saw it. I love how Anderson, who normally is very good at maintaining a professional level of unbiasedness, can't hide the disgust he has for Perkins and his ilk.

Posted by: zortnac | Nov 10, 2008 11:45:06 AM

I must say, one thing I'm disappointed with is that the 'No on 8' isn't doing enough to point out that civil union licenses =/= marriage licenses. We can't make that clear enough, they do NOT provide the same legal protection, and marriage licenses do not require a religious ceremony in the slightest. We merely want the same tax laws, the same legal laws as hetero couples.

Posted by: aaa | Nov 10, 2008 12:53:55 PM

Civil Union scheme?

Tony Perkins is full of SH*T! They have a major problem with us having any legal (or non legal for that matter) recognition of our relationships including civil unions and domestic partnerships. Florida's Amendment 2 was proof of that! If people only knew what Perkins and his ilk really say and mean off camera!

As I have posted on other sites the Religious Right will do the same in other states that have no anti-gay marriage laws. They believe our relationships are sinful and they DO NOT want any legal recognition of them because to them that would be approving sin.

Posted by: Ken R | Nov 10, 2008 2:45:00 PM

Can I just say, I really hate that guy. He's such a smug and condescending asshole.

Posted by: Jon | Nov 10, 2008 2:48:17 PM

thanks for sharing this - what a jerk. Proud of the Pro-Gay-Marriage lady!

Posted by: Lee Wind | Nov 11, 2008 6:22:43 PM

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