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Video: Why is gay coverage so frequently off?
Oh, mainstream media:
"Today Show" piece, 11/7/08
(1) It's pronounced Tuh-KAY. A common mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.
(2) Rosie married in 2004, in the Gavin Newsom-initiated weddings that were quickly invalidated. Rosie and Kelli did not marry in '08, and in fact caught some heat (whether it was undeserved or not -- we're not getting into that mess) for keeping such a low profile this time.
But hey, a 30 second Google search is a tall order
Your thoughts
News coverage in general is frequently off. You just won't catch the errors if it's not a subject you're familiar with.
Posted by: Alice | Nov 8, 2008 4:13:00 AM
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