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Audio: Buying into bias, ignoring the human cost

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images Picture-28-9 1 1The Christian right, with their anti-gay and "war on Christmas" agenda, have for decades turned company threats and boycotts into a "pro-family" past time. But when gay people decide to stop spending dollars at companies that make life harder for the LGBT community, they are to be branded as "loud and obnoxious bullies."

Such is the logic of notorious anti-gay bully Matt Barber:

::sigh:: Isn't it sad how the anti-Chris/Chris halt-a-gay has become so over commercialized? These folks really need to remember that skewed interpretations of Jesus are the reason for the queer-hostile season!

Companies Large and Small Targeted by Homosexual Activists [CWA]

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Your thoughts

How much more hypocrisy can this fat slob put out?

Posted by: John Ozed | Dec 19, 2008 1:53:51 PM

Aw shit! They know about our Radical Gay Agenda (TM). Well troops, it's time to escalate this war on Jesus, kittens, and families. Synchronize your watches and meet me at the docks. The revolution will not be evangelized.

Posted by: L.A. Fields | Dec 19, 2008 1:53:51 PM

I keep waiting for my head to explode!! How many more times can they say how evil we are for insisting that a company not get involved in CIVIL matters when they've been insisting that companies say "Merry Christmas" for years now. They've spent tons of money and air time to suggest boycotting, writing letters, calling, etc. all companies who encourage their employees to say "Happy Holidays" instead, and yet WE'RE the ones who have now invented the concept of influencing business???? And how stupid must their followers be to believe this shit?????

Posted by: nashtrav | Dec 19, 2008 7:17:57 PM

You know what gets me?

When it comes to putting the Ten Commandments on government property, religious people like to say, "it's freedom *of* religion - not freedom *from* religion."

Well, guess what, boys? It's called freedom *of* speech. Not freedom *from* speech.

Posted by: DN | Dec 19, 2008 9:23:56 PM

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