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Brown vs. the bored of (any pro-gay) education
Responding to the FANTASTIC news that California Attorney General Jerry Brown wants Proposition 8 tossed, Protect Marriage's Andrew Pugno has issued the following statement:
"It is disappointing that the Attorney General has refused to defend the vote of the people as the law instructs him to do. It will take some time to digest this new and unusual legal argument he has created. As the only remaining party defending Prop 8's validity in these lawsuits, it is more important than ever that we remain focused on our role of providing the Court with the law and argument that shows Prop's validity."
Prop 8 Proponents React to Attorney General Jerry Brown's Request to Invalidate Prop 8 [Protect Marriage]
This writer takes a massive chug of his extra stout eggnog and then replies:
Or, Mr. Pugno, you could do something truly radical for your side: You could accurately assess the situation from an intellectual standpoint. You could take a cold, hard look at the issues that the Prop 8 fight has brought into focus and choose to drop your fight all together. In the holiday spirit of joy and peace, you could give the gay community the one gift that could help us obtain the same: a sizable gift card to Bob's Liquor-ama your non-controversial support for our benign marriage equality.
Look, Andrew: Your governor is against you. Your AG is against you. The court of law has already ruled against you. Your state legislature is against you. The mainstream media is against you. The turning tide of history is against you. And, most importantly, the question of whether it's decent to put minority rights up to a public vote goes against you. All your side has is the supposed "will of the people," with you all acting as if a bare majority's unprincipled vote somehow trumps all else. It doesn't. This vote was on the wrong side of history, and its supporters on the "robbers" side of this childish game.
The post-Prop 8 discussion has minds churning, with ever-more folks realizing how absolutely nutty it is that a religiously-motivated group of people were able to roll back the CIVIL rights of a suspect class. Jerry Brown's change of heart and mind is actually a perfect metaphor for this fight in general. It's only a matter of time before the vast majority steps away from and in firm opposition towards the anti-gay political team, so as to not have their good reputations besmirched by this cruel stain of intolerance.
Happy Holidays!!!
Your thoughts
Pugno has to be brick-shitting about now, given that he hasn't had much luck in front of the California Supreme Court. And, this time he if going up against the Attorney General's office too.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 22, 2008 10:59:22 PM
I honestly don't think there is a legal argument that Brown can make that will persuade anyone about anything. What he appears to be doing is giving the court some political oover should they go the way we all hope they will. You didn't hear it from me, but they won't. They're anguishing, but they are't going to overturn 8.
I got carried away the other night and started ranting on the subject of same-sex marriage. I appreciate the basic fundamentali aspect of this struggle, but I still believe it is not the most important issue facing the GLBT community. It is the one that seems to have all of our attention.
I'm glad I'm not in charge of this clusterfucking parade.
Posted by: Houston | Dec 22, 2008 11:36:13 PM
"defend the vote of the people"
Um... didn't the 'people' vote for Al Gore when G. W. Bush was made president? Can we defend that and undo the last 7 years?
Posted by: GT | Dec 23, 2008 7:18:49 AM
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