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But we (and Google cache) know it was there, Rick
You know how among the many other points surrounding the Rick Warren fiasco, we've been telling you that the Saddleback Church website explicitly singles out gays as being unworthy of church membership? Yea, well check out this very telling, very sudden bout of cold feet-iness:
Rick Warren pulls anti-gay language from his Web site [Americablog]
How coincidental, huh? Guess it must have been a computer error or something. After all, when one's comfortable with their stances, there should be no reason to suddenly scrub those stances. Right? We know that we've never had to suddenly question our views on humanity. So yea -- surely Saddleback's move was mere coincidence.
Oh, but who are we trying to convince? After all, anyone who'd be willing to believe that nonsense is certainly too busy standing by their chimney waiting for Santa Claus to arrive to actually be reading our post.
**UPDATE: It should be noted that there is still "gay is a sin" language on the website -- it's just the the membership thing that was pulled.
***UPDATE, 12/23: Wait, it turns out they didn't actually make a permanent scrub of the the site. No, no -- they actually made it worse!
Your thoughts
Well... does that mean our supposed efforts to "bridge the gap" worked or does that mean someone is playing to the politicians? Perhaps you are right... it's just a *cough cough* coincidence.
Posted by: jaysays | Dec 22, 2008 5:22:07 PM
Once again, the revisionism starts so that another bigoted Christian clergyman can heighten his profile and start the work of taking on a more benign facade!
Thank goodness for Google's archives!
Posted by: James | Dec 22, 2008 8:05:04 PM
You know, Pastor Warren is only doing whet the Bible says, that it is an abomination that 2 men, or women lay like a man, ot a woman. it does not just mean gay rape, for it would say it. Marriage is for a man and a woman because the Bible says so because it is a special relationship just for a couple that has sex for procreation, and gays can not procreate with a member of the same sex, and I am not just talking abour that man who has both sexes. Mr. Rogers if you say I am wtong, go, and get a law made that what I and other Christians who are bible beliving should all be sent to the lions Like the Roman did when to those first Christians. no on Gay Marriage because it is not set by man, but set by God. You could call God down from Heaven, but he might be here tight now. It is mighty Cols from Coast to coast. Could be punishment from God
Posted by: fred A` | Dec 23, 2008 7:18:50 AM
How does Rick Warren know if there is any gay members in his church?Does it matter anyway.We only have to answer in GOD.
Posted by: larry mc bride | Dec 23, 2008 10:54:21 AM
god is not real, fred a. You're too old for imaginary friends. Now go back to sexing your beloved fiction book.
Posted by: TheRadicalRealist | Dec 23, 2008 6:55:14 PM
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