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Cartoon: Abusive relationships

by Jeremy Hooper

This from "Troy" cartoonist Michael Derry:

 Albums K203 Ronnykmarshall Troyobama

Yea. F***ing ouch.

**SOURCE: 365Gay


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Your thoughts

A lovely companion piece to this cartoon is the song, "Save the Institution!" -- sung from the POV of a clueless homophobic zealot. I heard it at myspace.com/rbuch -- absolutely hilarious.

Posted by: Fran Mosely | Dec 19, 2008 6:18:06 PM

Okay. LOL!!! This is over the top, but funny. I still agree with Obama. And the toon hits all the reason for all the vitriol. Prop 8 hurt. Yes. It. Did.

But are gonna cry like when beat up in grade school? Why not stand, dust ourselves off, and look the fat sweaty prick in the eye and let him know he hits like a little girl.

Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Dec 19, 2008 6:30:38 PM

I'm not sure where you're hearing all this crying, Taylor. What I'm hearing, from both gays and progressive allies, is reasoned rage.

The comic shows that we've been hit. We have. It hurts. But if there is to be a followup, I would imagine that the gay character would eschew tears and instead unleash a principled smackdown of this horrible decision!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 19, 2008 6:34:36 PM

So, a principled smackdown would be ... what? Dissing Warren? His people are already pissed that he's gonna bless this administration. He's taking heat. Obama's taking heat. Everybody's taking heat.

Let's say Obama changes his position and disinvites this man. What would that say?

Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Dec 19, 2008 8:09:32 PM

Why does your mind go from "principled smackdown" to "diss"? Princiled smackdowns are what we do here every single day. We never "diss" anyone, only the messages they convey!

At this point, I think I'm done engaging you on this (I've also responded to your comments in other threads). I think you are willing to give this situation too much of a pass, and you disagree. Fair enough.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 19, 2008 8:15:51 PM

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