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Damage control: Rick gets thrifty
The Rick Warren "I'm not anti-gay" revisionist tour continues. This from TMZ:
Rick Warren, the pastor who will deliver the invocation next month for Barack Obama, apparently is doing a little image-adjusting in West Hollywood.
We got this pic, taken yesterday at Out of the Closet thrift store. That's Warren on the right (naturally), his arm around Erol Sarabi, who is openly gay. Warren, who supports the ban on gay marriage which has not sat real well with some Obama supporters, bought 8 to 10 books, two of which were his own (that doesn't help with his Amazon ranking). Warren told Sarabi not to believe everything he reads, that he does a lot for AIDS research and was happy that Out of the Closet does free AIDS testing.
FULL: Rick Warren -- Out of the Closet! [TMZ]
The incest, pedophile, and polygamist thrift stores must have been closed.
Although it is fitting that Rick would choose a thrift store for this stunt. After all, if there were any location that lends itself to undercompensation, it's a store filled with cheap commodities.
Your thoughts
Is the invocation really that big a deal? Sure, the guy's a (very shrewd) hatemonger but it's only an invocation. Who. Cares.
I didn't even know presidents had invocations until this shitstorm piled up. Isn't it obvious that this is just McBama's way of appealing to the anti-Rev. Wright crowd? Moreso than the anti-gay? The conservakids know they'll never sway him to their side on social issues, so this is some type of a shitty bone thrown their way.
Not that the failure that is the Christian Right deserve any scraps. Christians, maybe, but not the Christian Right.
Posted by: chris | Dec 23, 2008 3:33:35 PM
Warren is such a whore.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Dec 23, 2008 4:48:31 PM
I hate to sound like a winger's take on Michael Moore, but isn't Warren a little, ummm....fat? I knew he was porky, but almost all of his most recent pictures make him look like a whale.
Preachers eat well.
Posted by: Roy | Dec 24, 2008 7:08:11 AM
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