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Development: Saddleback site further dirtied, not scrubbed
Well, it turns out that Saddleback Church has NOT removed the part of their website that says gays can't be members. At least not for good. It turns out that they are simply in the process of converting the text to audio form! They are actually making their stance MORE intensive than before!
Queerty has the scoop and new audio:
Saddleback Church Site Not Taking Down Gay Condemnations After All [Queerty]
Your thoughts
Why is it that when it comes to our basic civil liberties, any statements like this are considered "different opinions"?
What would they call KKK hatespeech?
Posted by: Lawrence | Dec 23, 2008 4:03:53 PM
More of the same, if you think about it. It's easier to dispose of the evidence if it's in audio than text. You can't screencap audio, and our friend the Google cache can't keep a copy.
Posted by: Matt Algren | Dec 23, 2008 4:30:54 PM
Any god so petty that it cares what you do with your genitals deserves to be boiled alive.
Posted by: TheRadicalRealist | Dec 23, 2008 6:55:14 PM
Posted by: deaconandusher | Jan 1, 2009 12:27:22 PM
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