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Digging up Past Boones

by Jeremy Hooper

This past weekend, singer-turned-"sinner slayer" Pat Boone attempted to explain away his recent parade of homophobia by penning a piece for WorldNetDaily titled "I Love Gays." As part of said piece, Pat cited his past work as a gay-themed author as one reason why he's not really anti-gay, just misunderstood:

Pat-BooneLater (you may be surprised to learn), I really went out on a limb and wrote two books, about and with homosexual friends. The first was "Joy: A Homosexual's Fulfillment," and the second "Coming Out: True Stories of the Gay Exodus." They were written with a longtime lesbian, a former very promiscuous male homosexual and with a transsexual man who had emasculated himself in an effort to be a woman. They'd been down the whole road and back again, and they told me their stories and how they'd each been able to leave the homosexual lifestyle. This was not expedient for me as an entertainer, but I did it out of real love for gays. I do care.

Well since we saw these words, we've considered buying a copy of one or either of Pat's books to see just how he showed his "real love" for gays. We found a few cheap copies online, but we couldn't bring ourselves to shell out even a penny for something we knew was gonna piss us off. So we decided to economize, both in terms of wealth and mental energy.

Fortunately one of the books, the "Coming Out" tome, secured at least one book review when it was released back in 1978. And as you can see from the review, readers of the Carter era were just as able to see through Pat's "I Love Gays" bullcrappy as we of the Obama era are today:

(Review was possibly penned by the LA Times Robert Kirsch, but we're not 100% sure)

Well as we all know, Anita has been forced over the years to "move over." Perhaps it's time for the clearly non-gay-loving Pat to take his own society-tarnishing rhetoric and do the same.

"I Love Gays" [WND]

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Your thoughts

Oh how I loathe Boone.What a scumbag. He should have actually written I Love TO DEMONIZE Gays.

Posted by: John Ozed | Dec 17, 2008 9:34:24 AM

The Boones have a long history of this sort of behavior... Grandpa Daniel use to kill Indians and steal their land, just because god told him it was OK to do it.

Posted by: Paula Brooks | Dec 17, 2008 10:05:12 AM

If that's love, I think I'll skip it. Who really cares what Pat Boone has to say? Besides my mother?

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Dec 17, 2008 11:16:23 AM

What's with the picture? It looks like Mary Cheney on steroids.

Posted by: KZ | Dec 17, 2008 2:29:40 PM

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