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Engaged gays, you probably shouldn't book the Chrysler Building just yet

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Future-Grant-Projects Projects Seatosea Ny-Map 1-1-1-1In New York City there are lots of busses. This NYC-based writer/activist is feeling increasingly fearful that his state's Democratic leadership is going to throw him under one.

This from the NY Daily News:

More details have emerged about what, exactly, Senate Minority Leader Malcolm Smith had to give up to the Gang of Three in order to get them to agree to support him as leader of the Democratic majority conference when the Senate reconvenes in January.

One of the key points in the "handshake deal":

- A bill to legalize same-sex marriage will not be brought to the floor of the Senate for a vote this year. Smith will announce that he does not believe the measure has sufficient votes to pass - a statement that is at this point undoubtedly true, although it's unclear how long that will last if, as Democrats are hoping, the prospect of being in the minority leads to mass GOP retirements.

So it looks like another state in which our marriage hopes are being Demmed. And no, unfortunately that's not a typo.

God, I'm sure glad I made this super-fun "lifestyle choice"!! A real thrill ride, this gayness.

Details Of A Leadership Deal [Daily News]

**EARLIER: Referen-dumb: Another progressive state, another possibility for majority tyranny [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

They also want to put it to a referendum. How are we going to stop that?

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Dec 5, 2008 9:42:28 AM

Yet more fallout from the California Prop. 8 debacle: Democrats everywhere now know it's perfectly safe to cave to the hatemongers and throw us under the bus.

The Democrats in New York raised a lot of money from us by promising a marriage bill. Any gay or lesbians who contributed should ask for a refund.

Posted by: K | Dec 5, 2008 10:28:49 AM

Does NY have Domestic Partnerships? And Employment Non-Discrimination for Sexual Orientation? Those along with the right to serve as foster and adoptive parents, plus the fact that gays and lesbians have a long history of being discriminated against are among the biggest reasons that California's Supreme Court ruled for same-sex marriage. Are there any legal cases ongoing now to allow same-sex?

One of the things that we can be encouraged about is that ENDA and Hate Crimes protections for sexual orientation will probably be successfully passed by the new Congress and Senate and signed by the new President. DOMA and DADT may take a little more time, but they will probably be repealed in rather short order as well. We have lost a couple of battles this past election, but we may have gained the ability to win some major ones at the federal level.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 5, 2008 11:52:35 AM

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow ...

Posted by: Chris Holden | Dec 7, 2008 9:13:49 AM

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