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One less lez: Who's gonna bite it on 'L Word'?

by Jeremy Hooper

200812031811Dorothy Snarker, whose super wit graces the virtual pages of both AfterEllen and her own Dorothy Surrenders blog, has a major spoiler about the forthcoming final season of "The L Word." Or, as this writer's partner refers to the upcoming season: "Only eight more episodes to go in my televised, Betty-laden prison sentence!!! Oh dark Sunday night tunnel, I wasn't sure you'd ever again see light!"

But enough about my long-suffering sweetie's inability to find a certain charm in suddenly-dropped characters, convoluted plot points, and male lesbians named Lisa. If you want to know who will join Dana in Ilene Chaiken's fictional realm of kick the bucketdom, then go read Dorothy's juicy spoiler at either of the following two links:

We spoil who the "L" dies [AfterEllen]
Pre-Pre-L: Spare the rod, spoil The L Word [Dorothy Surrenders]

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