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So then is it 'moral' for evangelicals to have gotten in bed with a 'cult'?

by Jeremy Hooper

The Mormons and the evangelical Christians might have formed a cordial Proposition 8 alliance, but don't expect a sizable portion of the latter group to actually hold genuine respect for the former group's beliefs. To many of these "true Christians," the LDS church will never be anything other than a cult.

This description and clip from GodTube:

Picture 1-225

Also, this is what megapastor Jim Garlow had to say in his post-vote webinar:

Yes, he says to publicly defend the LDS church from "attack." But only after making strong, repeated qualifiers regarding just how different (i.e. lesser) they see their religious views. And of course the first point he is compelled to make is an admission that this would make many evangelicals uncomfortable.

So yea, it's clear that this Mormon-evangelical bond is tenuous at best. They're happy to use the Mormons' organizational skills to ban the "cult of gayness," but at the end of the day (or times), it's clear that many of these evangelicals would quickly throw the Mormons in the same lake of fire. That's not a big revelation, of course. It just continues to shock us that when it comes to the task of disrespecting gay love, so relatively few folks in the LDS ranks seem to care about the disrespect that their own allies show them.

Mormons to the resue! [GodTube]

RELATED: Mormons' Uneasy Victory [WaPo]

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Your thoughts

Here's an idea, maybe it's time for a constitutional amendment banning all cults!

If Prop 8 stands, then we can basically do anything we want, and one of my first choices would be the elimination of cults! And, from the Roman Catholic perspective, all other Christian offshoot religions are cults, so just think of the ensuing shit storm! Such an amendment would probably violate the establishment clause, but that wouldn't necessarily keep it off the ballot, and it could make for some very entertaining developments.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Dec 4, 2008 1:40:08 PM

I don't know what's funnier-the fact that "rescue" is spelled wrong, or the fact that "sex" in the phrase "same sex marriage" is spelled with symbols.
Because even when the word refers to gender, it's still a DIRTY word.

Posted by: Bill S | Dec 4, 2008 5:11:47 PM

Will they really not even spell out s-e-x?? Unbelievable.

Posted by: Marc | Dec 4, 2008 5:13:08 PM

Yeah Marc, I had to laugh at their filter automatically censoring same-sex.

Posted by: Kristof | Dec 4, 2008 6:35:28 PM

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