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Study: If you don't turn big heads, you don't put condom on the little one?

by Jeremy Hooper

A recently unveiled University of Toronto study suggests that gay dudes who have a harder time getting laid are more likely to have a risky time when they eventually do:

Gay men who are not considered sexually desirable are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviour, according to new research out of the University of Toronto. They may also develop psychological problems as a consequence of feeling undesirable.
Gay men's risky sexual behaviour linked to feelings of undesirability [University of Toronto]

We say:

The desire to have plastic surgery? The belief that you should have a bag on your head? Allowing an anonymous doctor to stick a naked Botox needle into your face? An obsession with losing a few pounds? Well, those are personal choices and feelings, most of which are probably more in your mind than in reality.
200812031138The desire to have a rubber implanted on your groin? The belief that you should put a bag on your love stick? Refusing to allow an anonymous dude stick a naked penis into your body? An obsession about losing your life? Those are crucial realities that none of us can afford to ignore.
We would hope for everyone to make the choice to love themselves for who they are. But even if that is still a mental journey, the choice to safely love a partner should not be. And if both concepts are impossible for you to wrap your mind around, then perhaps self love should be your focus in both regards.

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Your thoughts

Hmm, I wonder how gays could ever get to feel "undesirable" in this heteronormative society...

Let me think about this for a while...

Posted by: Kristof | Dec 3, 2008 1:19:24 PM

"I found that young, white, middle-class men are considered much more sexually desirable than men who are racial minorities, over 40 and poor," Green said. "I also learned that for gay men, being considered sexually undesirable can have serious health consequences ranging from psychological issues to risky sexual behavior."

I find this quote very telling when you consider that most new STD/HIV cases are men who are racial minorities, over 40 and poor.

Posted by: Alonzo | Dec 3, 2008 4:38:57 PM

thank god im a straight white, rich 22 year old female.
condoms are very important for me. Ive never had sex without one, and dont think i will until i find mr. right, who also has to be mr. clean.

this is a great condom ad campaign.

Posted by: tiffanyanberquinn | Dec 5, 2008 3:27:35 PM

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